Won a 1M ticket from Step 4 but unable to use it for 1M SNG buy in

Hi Replay,

Just a suggestion, would be great if we can use the 1M ticket from Step 4 SnG to buy into a 1M SnG buy-in games such as 6 and 9 players as well as heads-up!

Tickets won from SnG should be allowed to be used in SnG games, it seems like it is not possible at the moment.



Hi Luffy,
I did notice in the blurb on the promo page it specifically states that the 1M ticket is good for any 1M entry MTT’s. Perhaps this is intentional. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @das32343 ,

Thanks for the highlight.

Yep, it’s a suggestion. It would be great for the SnG community since Steps 1-4 is of SnG genre.



Aaaaaahaaaa,… That’s why you started your post with:


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Thanks @Iuffy for the feedback, I saw that earlier and hoped it applied to all mill games. And @das32343 for the reminder to me to ask before seeking a prize, to ensure it is not misstated in the promotion. The wording should be there are eight, 1 mill ticket tourneys to use you’re tickets as example.