Let’s have a new little game here. I’ll start. I’m posting an object that belonged to my grandfather. The photo I’ve posted, below, shows the object next to a pair of regular size binoculars, so you can have some scale. I’ve removed one of the six pegs just to show they are removable. Can you guess what this is? Hint: It’s not a game; it’s a tool for a single specific purpose. Good luck!
Those are silicone molds for drawer knob pulls.
Is it a jig for bending wood or metal?
I shall add a hint. This is a very specialized tool used for training. It is not used for building anything except a skill.
Electric wire insulators for dog obedience training
1/4 of a Swiss army knife? LOL
army can opener p38
I need to tell you all that this is a really, really hard one! Pay attention to the number of pegs. That might help. More clues as the days go by.
Regrettably, no–but hilarious response!
Regrettably, no–but hilarious response!
Are the binoculars a hint also ? I see one in the binoculars.
The binoculars are only for scale, but when you know the answer, you’ll see irony in the use of binoculars juxtaposed with this device. By the way, we thought maybe it was a one-of-a-kind item, but the number 347 is scratched into the paint on the back, so someone made a bunch of these for a specific subset of the population. More clues tomorrow. By the way, I’ll be very impressed if someone guesses. Feel free to ask questions.
It’s a device to form and store glass eyes.
Mounting tool for the rubber eye grommet’s of Military binoculars?
Eyeballs for Claymation?
6 string guitar tuners ?
Such creative guesses! Remember, it’s used to train someone for a new skill. Another hint: This one, as a training device, is multiple times larger than what’s found all over the place in our everyday world. And…I should have set it upright in the photo. My bad! Does any of this help? More clues available later today.