If you use Google Chrome as your primary browser, please read the following important update.
The next update of Google Chrome (76) releases on July 30th. This version will turn off Adobe Flash Player by default, forcing you to manually adjust your settings to allow it.
Our tech team has developed an extension that will automatically adjust these settings for you so that you can easily open a table without interruption. We highly recommend that you add this extension if you continue to use Google Chrome, as you will not have to readjust any settings or allow Flash every time you open your window.
Any issues with Microsoft Edge dropping Adobe Flash? I’ve been running Edge for several months now and haven’t noticed any downside from Google Chrome.
Haven’t heard of any issues with Edge (which I believe is actually running on Chromium now?), and Firefox should be working as normal as well. If anything changes, we’ll be sure to communicate!
I tried numerous times and it didn’t work for me. I have edge as my browser.
Everytime I try it tells me to download Chrome but it is already downloaded ???
Just a reminder to everyone that the new version of Chrome is due out today, so the rollout of the upgrade I imagine will start today and probably happen over the next 48 hours (depending on geographics). If you installed the chrome extension (Replay Poker Flash Support - Chrome Web Store), you’ll have a smooth transition. Please do leave a review as well (hopefully a good one!), as I think we need a certain number before it shows the rating, and a good rating will obviously give players reassurance about installing it. Thanks everyone!
I use Chrome and added the extension a few days ago , works great I no longer need to click on anything to allow flash player it goes right to game . Thanks !
No, you won’t be able to use this extension on an iPhone, as it just easily sets a Flash setting for you, and Flash doesn’t run on iOS. You’ll be able to play on mobile devices after our tables have converted to HTML5, though we’ll need to do some optimization for them (i.e. phone screens will be quite small for a table, though it should look how you expect on a tablet).