Unable to enlarge profile pictures

When clicking on someone’s profile pic, instead of getting a pop-up with a larger view of the pic, lately I’ve been getting a pop-up with what appears to be the file name (text characters only, no pics).

I have tried different browsers and it’s the same problem.

I’m wondering if others have the same problem, and if it could be looked at/solved soon.


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We recently migrated some of our resources, like our avatars, from Amazon to Google Cloud. For some reason, existing avatars are coming up with that aforementioned error, while avatars that have been changed since the migration are working fine. Very odd! We’ve let our tech team know about it, and they’ll let us know when they’re able to resolve it. I’ll keep you posted when we hear back. :slight_smile:


Thank you.

Thank you. It just seemed so strange . Hope it gets corrected.

Same problem - no picture pops up - just file names.

‘existing avatars are coming up with that aforementioned error, while avatars that have been changed since the migration are working fine.’

That makes no sense at all you’ve migrated the avatars from Amazon to Google cloud, so that would have been ALL the avatars so why are some working and some not. Do you mean if a new avatar is posted it will enlarge even though its the same avatar, if so say so.

And when is there going to be software installed that doesn’t whisk players away in the middle of the game causing players to lose chips …chips cost money

Hello All, You need to reload your picture, and all will be fine. It would be nice if anyone at Replay reads this, to alert anyone who cares, what to do. Thanks to macawesome and the player Rep. she talked to, I knew what to do. I hope this Helps.

But I’m pretty sure all are happy to enjoy again your lovely pic in all its magnificence, Who!

STILL cannot get profile pics to actually show! also, when registering to a tourney, the drop down saying “sounds good” when im trying to register, does not open till AFTER the tble has been filled! what good is that? I see more glitches on here every day, and seem to always see the same response. “we are working on it” hmmm…any results coming? just curious…thnx

Avatars are back to normal! Thanks to everyone who reported this to us. Click away to see those profile pictures in their full glory. :wink:


Thank you! I knew Replay tech team would get it done! Thanks, guys and have a great day! :hugs:

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Hi all Maincats had made a suggestion that he would like to see if
Replay could find a way to improve the resolution of the photos.
Like avatars are not very clear. Thank you very much. :slight_smile:

Mark B.

Recently I changed pics, when I’m seated @ a table, and click on my own name, the pic that comes up is 1/4 size, so do all other user pic avatars, the blue basic avatars are full size… just to let u know Fizzy

Huh, that’s odd. I see what you mean. I’ll see what’s going on there.