The tournament that never was

Hello. I’ve seen this question before and I haven’t seen an answer for it. What do I do with tournament tickets? I don’t even know how many I have. I’ve won some, but where are they and how do I use them? Confused.

They can be used for any MTT and most SNG’s that are the same value of your ticket. You cannot use a ticket of a higher value for a lower value entry. Plus there are a few tickets issued that can only be used for specific tournaments. Usually, those are the tickets you get for free by checking the Promotions page. Hope this helps.

It can be a bit confusing, because the option to use a Ticket does not show up until you click “REGISTER.”

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Go to the bank and scroll down to see tickets available that you have already. It tells you how many exp (3) and years to use say 3 years or so.

Hello ddafternoons, :smiley:

Many MTTs and SnGs accept tickets for the buy in. Just set your filters accordingly. Be aware that the ticket value must match the buy in amount. You cannot enter a 50k event with a 100k ticket. Hope this helps.


If you want to know how many tickets you have, you can click on the green chip on top of Dashboard/Lobby and see them:



If you click on See all transactions on bottom of this pop up, you can see the changes on your tickets: