The newer player issues

I have been playing online poker for quite a few years although admittedly elsewhere.
Being relatively new here as a newer player I would like to provide some of my thoughts.
While I generally like the structures of the games I have been able to play I do see that quite a few games that offer “tickets” offered however for me it is difficult as a newer player to understand or find how the “tickets” to those games can be obtained.
Because of this I am relegated to playing only the smallest of buyins and I will not purchase chips from a site that I am not overly familiar with particularly when despite my many attempts friendly chat by myself has been rarely acknowledged.


Hi Mabel,

First, welcome to Replay! If you go to the lobby and click on tournaments you will see a list of all games which offer tickets rather than chips for winning/placing in games. For instance there are satellite games and free rolls which offer tickets which buy you entry into chip prize tournaments. Take time to browse through them and chose the ones which appeal to you most. Tickets can be won to gain entry to tournaments from 2.5k up to 250k entry!
Look for the #ticket sign which shows this is a ticket game.

Good hunting!


Mabel, For the most part I avoid chatting, not because I am anti-social (which I am), but because I am usually doing something else in addition to playing. Nevertheless, while I am not playing, let me take this opportunity to say hello and welcome. Hang around long enough and you will make friends, even if you never buy chips.


Hi Mabel,

I am glad you located this forum. It is a good place to chat and to become acquainted with many players and to make some new friends. You can check out the catagories and find some topics that interest you. many discussions regarding pokeer, but also the off topic catagory is where we chat about all kinds of things. Music is a big part of that too.
I dont play fast enough or see well enough to do much chatting in the game chat, but will see you here at the forum. Good luck at the tables.



Welcome to RP!!!

Interesting question RE Tickets. You can get a decent RP specific answer & understanding from RPs Help Centre. Search: Tickets (sorry I’m not allowed to post the LINK) & click What are tickets and how do I use them?

The use of the term/name “Satellite” in poker and the definition/origin is interesting & surprisingly meaningful. You could even call Chris Moneymaker a Satellite!!!

On RP Tickets are WON or awarded from finishing lower stakes (mostly) Satellite Tournaments in Payout Positions. These won/awarded Tickets have specific values like 2.5k, 5k etc that buy into corresponding stakes Sit&Go/MT Tournaments. They cannot be bought on RP as far as I know, cannot be cashed/exchanged for chips & have an expiration time.

The concept & philosophy behind Satellite Tournaments is good IMO, & is used not only on other poker sites BUT in at least a few sports including tennis. The purpose & accomplishment of Satellite Tournaments strongly alludes to its name & origin. My understanding behind Satellite Tournaments is they are a cheaper way to qualify & gain entry into more expensive Tournaments. They afford players an opportunity to play & qualify for an event or Tournament they want to play “above & beyond” their means be it ca$h, currency or ranking etc. Basically they cost more time but much less ca$h or currency. They allow the puppies to play with the Big Dogs.

I would consider them a good opportunity on RP especially as a new player with only the starting chips because you have little to lose except your time considering you can play a free Satellite. Satellites value or worthwhileness is probably exponentially reduced to nothing as bankroll increases. Once your bankroll does increase you can adjust & change how you invest/risk/gamble your bankroll/time Vs desired reward.

With luck, skill & time invested you can win a boatload playing Freeroll & Satellite Tournaments comparatively to your drop in the ocean 2.5K starting chips.

Amateur turned pro poker player Chris Moneymaker paid for his “drop” in an online poker Satellite Tournament & turned it into a “cup” (Ticket) after he qualified/won entry into the WSOP 2003 main event worth $10 000 buyin. A cheap Satellite tournament gamble afforded him a $10 000 Ticket to Ride opportunity to play a Bigger Tournament. He proceeded to win the WSOP for $2.5 million. A much greater effect was the “Moneymaker Effect” or SPLASH & wave inspiring millions to play more poker and the start of the Poker BOOM.

I guess you could say nothing had greater bang for its buck than the introduction of Satellite Tournaments & MrMoneymaker & Poker as we know it wouldn’t exist: Moneymaker effect, players & shows, online BOOM & replay poker!!!

Definition & Origin
Interestingly after researching satellite definition & origin I learnt a few things. The name seems fairly apt IMO and surprisingly meaningful. My definition: something or someone of lesser, “conceived or comparative” value that serves or benefits something or someone of greater value.

Satellite originates from the Latin word satelles meaning: “one who escorts or follows after an important person” This is also the original meaning of satellite in English.

Today a satellite is more commonly known as a man made artificial body launched in orbit around earth. The Moon too is considered a satellite and is exceptionally influential, beneficial and arguably essential for life on Earth.

Definition also includes: (small country or state) OR (a community or town) dependant on another.

Summary: Satellites are underrated & undervalued and give improportionately. Something the Moon does and Chris Moneymaker did!

Playing in Poker Satellites cost very little and can potentially provide improportionate pay outs.


Thank you for the information. What I am not seeing is how tickets are earned or awarded.

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Look for tournaments with “satellite” in the name. These pay tickets instead of chips. For example, the “Satellite to 20K MTT” only costs 2,500 to enter and awards tickets that can be used to play any tournament that has a buy-in of 20,000.

Very helpful and thank you.

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