The fairness debate

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Poor poker rewarded all the time!. Surely something has to be done about the very overwhelming advantage to average calls with absolutely nothing yet the cards always falls for the worse hand? Some players seems to get the best beat every hand, this can’t be random, it would not happen even in a WSOP game and here it happens hand after hand it is shocking! I know it is free poker but if you are prepared to offer free poker then at least make it so that people use their brains rather than just shoving chips in and be rewarded time again.


been cheated , froze out with winning hands so many times

I give up !

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The program runs in flash, your own software, speed and connection is very important.

On this page you can find more help…

Also on that page a button to contact support directly. it is handy to send your computer specification with the mail about this issue.

What you can try first. Re-install your flash program (Adobe) Clean your cache (remove cookies and browserhistory) Check on Malware and spy-ware See if you have the same problem when you use another browser.

Hope this helps. Greetings Happiness.

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this site is rigged played for hrs rarely get winning cards while other players get winning cards 80+percent of the time what a rip off site I will find another site to play free poker that is not fixed


Buy CHIPS if you want to win !!!

We’re confident in the fairness of our game. The independent audit carried out by Gaming Associates confirmed the game played on ReplayPoker is perfectly random and unbiased. However we would like to do even more to convince players this really is the case. We’re thinking of creating a new real-time (or near real-time) stats page on the site showing cumulative and aggregated statistics for hands dealt each day. Do you think something like this would give you greater confidence? If so, what sort of stats would you like for us to publish in real-time?

i dont need lesson from you masner or anyone else

no i dont think AK wins everytime or AA or KK

Please someone tell me a free poker site that plays like real poker. I play at 3 other sites and it’s the same. People play garbage hands and win on the river. In real poker they shuffle the cards in front of you. I have never been dealt the same hand 2 times in a row. But here like at other free poker sites it happens all the time. And lots of the times it’s the exact same cards. So I just try to have as much fun as possible. Have too many other problems than to get mad at replay poker. There are a lot of positive things about your site. Just love the clocks, and being able to see how well you or others are doing during the tournaments. Have a great day

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Most people on this thread seem to believe the cards are not random and as a result good cards are constantly beaten on the river. I believe the reason hands are often beaten on the river is due to the many players on this site who simply have no idea how to play poker and have no idea when to fold, they keep calling with nada and unfortunately get lucky by jagging a straight or something.

As a result the river is seen far more often than it would be on a pay to play site where players look at their hand, the number of outs and the odds and generally fold if they have nada. Good players rarely chase and if they do it’s because they have a lot of outs. Bingo players chase constantly and don’t even know what an “out” is!

I’ve seen “bingo” players way out in front winning tournaments as a result of constantly chasing hands and over betting and getting lucky, but if you watch, they rarely make final tables because inevitably their luck runs out. Also, these 'bingo" players rarely have a high ranking (because overall they don’t win much) but they continue to chase and overbet and spoil the game for others.

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i agree with ballack here. odds of these hands are hitting unreal. last night i lost 2 fullhouses cause of a 4 of a kind in a span of 10 mins or so.


other day flopped three 8’s ace kicker another player also flopped three 8’s 7 kicker but we both lost cause someone flopped fullhouse queens over 8’s unreal

3 queens ace kicker and person hits 8 on river give them fullhouse unreal

in a tourney i hit a straight on turn i said myself a diamond is going come on river sure enough diamond on river and gave someone a flush unreal

i can play hour on a tbl and not win a hand while someone else wins hand after hand after hand

but site been tested and replay says its fair and random and cards not predictable

so its fair i sit at tbl not win a hand for a hr.

its random get same 2 cards 3-4 hands in a row mostly 2,7 3,7 28, something like that.

and its unpredictable then how come i can predict someone will hit a flush on river after flopping ace high straight.

i understand bad beats happen from time to time but it just seems be happining lot on here


ive been playin poker for decades and am by no means a sore loser but the hands that are dealt are in my opinion BS.those who buy chips will have to keep on buying cause u will not be able to buy a hand here.i will continue to play but will never buy anymore chips due to a rigged deck.given a fair chance i wouldnt mind buyin in but i wont pay to play the way its set up now…im not convinced and was wondering if anyone else felt the same.

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled crooked decks.


To add to my previous remarks, I have folded hands I should, like J3 off, and watched 3 on turn and Jack on river, numerous times, I have had pocket queens, I play and watch 2 Diamonds, seven clubs, 9 of clubs flop. I raise to 300 chips, called by 4 players, turn is 5 Diamonds, I make it 600, one person calls, river is Jack diamonds, the guy kept 4diamonds and 10 diamonds to win. No one in their right mind would stay after the flop with those cards to a big bet, unless they are used to hitting on this site with them. I lost Pocket aces to 6 2 off suite by him hitting a 2 on the river to get two pay on an all in bet. I have in my short time since April seen this happen so often, it is pretty pathetic. You seriously have a problem with the programming. These people will lose their shirts playing this way for real. Russ


Sometimes i wonder what some players expect from the game poker. Guarantee to win? The guarantee you win or end up in the prizes in 1 of the 5 played tournaments? The guarantee you win with high cards? The guarantee you win when you lost the other day?

There are no guarantees, AA can lose from 23, there can be a flush when 2 players are all in with AA, and so on…about 20% of the participants of a MTT ends up in the prizes, means 80% of the players win nothing. Every hand start new with chances for every player in the hand.

There are good players, there are less good players, some players win with luck, most players win with skills and with some luck. Some are very good poker players. The game poker is not fair, if you lose it will never be your turn to win the next hand, every hand starts new, poker is unpredictable, and that makes the game exciting.

I find it totaly onlogical to say that this games are rigged, I said this before, what will they gain by doing so and what do you think it costs in time and efford and money to program and build the rigging in to the tables so you just lose when you complain, come on!! For what? I can find no reason then its in your head. Again Ill say it, with free chips you will never have the same game as for real money. A lot of players just call every hand as its free so why not when in real money poker players know it ll cost them money to, play rubbish like that. This means that a lot more players will be in the hand so the odds winning with your good hand decreases big. Simple maths. ont blame the site, blame the free chips. I wont as I am cool knowing that this is not the real thing and I can enjoy myself for free.

How can you say there is no free play on Replay Poker?

I know on some “free” poker sites are restrictions for playing certain games when you are not a paying member.

Here all members can play all games when they have enough chips and there are enough low buy-in possibilities, ring games, MTTs and SnGs. And on Replay Poker a lot of free chips are given out daily.

Six daily 100K freerolls, no restrictions for playing, all players can enter for free.

And 3 daily freerolls rewarding nine 15K tickets (=135K), all members can play for it. A daily bonus, when you log in every day 2500 free chips per day. Bankroll builders with a low buy-in and with extra added chips to the prize pool.

The possibility to get new free chips when you are broke (of course not unlimited, but

enough to start free again) Promotions to win extra chips, often low buy-in and many extra free chips to win, even promotions with freerolls with a lot of free chips to win.

Enough possibilities to build up your bank roll and enough possibilities to start again for free when you lost your chips.

Some players like to play the high stakes, there you can win faster but also lose very fast. Some players not want to (re)start with low stake games and they buy chips.

Buying chips is a choice players can make, it is not a shame and it is not compulsory. Players who buy chips are supporting the site and they keep it free for all members, and they get where they pay for, chips to play the games.

You not win more or less when you buy chips, every starting hand start new with chances for all players in the hand, no matter if you have won previous hands or have lost previous hands.

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the game is fair. the cards do seem like they are fixed, but with any deck of cards once shuffled they are random. I cant see any reason what replay would gain by fixing the cards. Most people don’t know how to play the game, and I admit, I am one of those. I have learned the game, and still learning the game. Most people chase, or they over bet, or they don’t bet enough. like I said, I’m still learning and always will be, poker is an unpredictable game, u can not win every hand, its impossible. You can however, increase your odds of winning by learning the game. Some examples is playing position, reading the cards, reading your opponents actions, and knowing hand strengths. There are many more angles to the game and that is why poker is so exciting, it is never the same game from hand to hand. Each hand is different and requires 3 basic components, skill, luck and no emotions… Skill, is increasing your odds of winning, luck is just luck, and your emotions, when brought into a game of poker, causes you to make mistakes, and any good poker player is watching and waiting for you to make a mistake, then capitalize on that…I say, study the game, read a book on it, learn from others, etc…I think its a fair site, and Yes I do complain, but that is also a part of poker. We all want a quick free ride, but poker is not a quick free ride, you do have to work at it, to be a good, solid poker player.

fair or unfair game–To all the whiners, doubters, and naysayers: The laws of probability & statistics tell us that if an event CAN happen, eventually it will happen. If it CAN happen again and again ad infinitum, it will.

There’s a very simple response to this on-going debate - WE ARE NOT RIGGED.

We’ve never been rigged, and we never will be rigged. We haven’t licensed the software or bought it from a third party, we’ve built Replay from the ground up so we know every nook and cranny because we wrote every single line of code.

The whole idea of creating a poker site that isn’t 100% FAIR is with a shadow of a doubt is the biggest complete waste of time for all involved. I’ve spent the last several years dedicating my life to this site, day in and day out working towards something I truly believe, and that’s to create the WORLD’S BEST play money poker site.

If you really think with that goal in mind, anyone with half a brain would even contemplate the idea of rigging the game or influencing it any way, shape or form, then I suggest you stick to playing poker offline, as no matter many guarantees or assurances you’re going to get, nothing is going to convince you otherwise.

Geez this is so simple…let me explain it again. Its free chip poker…more players staying in with nothing and chasing hands BECAUSE ITS FREE CHIP POKER thus more crazy hits. Some times things are just so simple it evades most people. It really is that simple. More players playing bad hands equal more crazy hits. More players playing bad hands because it is FREE chip poker. They would not play like that if it was real money in fact most would not even be playing for REAL money. Real money equals more folds of bs hands thus less crazy hits…the opposite is in play here, free chips equal more players playing bs hands thus more donk hands. More straights hit because more players playing connectors to the river, more flushes hit because more players playing suited cards to the river THEREFORE the river makes a lot of hands because players will chase to the river with free chips. Its not that complicated. The site is not rigged. As Paul said, that would make no sense. Learn to play FREE chip poker and forget what you know about money poker. Its the players, not the site.