The fairness debate

appreciate both of your comments but they are getting to be a little personal for a community forum. let’s just play and let play. the tables will tell the tale.

You didn’t do anything to change my assessment.

Don’t undermine the intelligence of real poker players and you wont “feel” so offended.

Time here doesn’t mean anything so I appreciate the time you put in going inside the numbers but it changes nothing.

I’ll take WildBillHickock’s advice and leave it alone.

I suggest you do the same.

Have fun at the tables.

I would like to point out to WildBillHickock and Eyeamdaman1 that I never brought up Eyeamdaman1, in fact, never heard of the name!

5 days ago Eyeamdaman1 called me by name and that was when it was made personal. Bill should notice this before he reprimands me as I did not make it personal. I think Bill should direct his comments to the player who first mentioned anyone by name. I never even heard of Eyeamdaman1 and never directed any comments to him personally until he directly commented to me in a demeaning manner.

If I am personally attacked expect a response… I never mentioned or heard of Eyeamdaman!.. I have no idea why Eyeamdaman bought my name up… Eyeamdaman was demeaning and rude naming me personally… I only responded and I will again Bill if I am verbally attacked…

Go back and read Bill, and you will see that I have never had any contact with this guy. I simply defended the comment that Replay Poker is rigged, then was verbally attacked by Eyeamdaman1 and then reprimanded by WildBill when he should have told Eyeamdaman1 to not make it personal by mentioning names.

I will no longer comment on anything is the forum and I can certainly not return to this site WildBill if that would please you.

Well that’s very kind of you considering you are the one who first brought my name up. I NEVER spoke to you or even heard of you

plaz …no one wants you off the forum
and there is no reprimand made or intended. have read it all and think you two should agree to disagree
we are here to have fun my friend, msg me if we need to discuss further.

lol thank you Sharon

If you go back and read my comment from 6 days ago prior to Eyeamdaman1’s rude comments directed at me personally, you will see that I mentioned no names and was not rude to anybody. I have never even heard of this person.

I simply participated in the discussion as I thought that was the point of the forum. It appears that was not a good idea.

note that Article 12 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Sorry Eyeamdaman1, I assumed from your comments that you must lose a lot or you would not be complaining. I have no idea what comparing your rank to my rank has to do with anything. I apologize for thinking your complaining had to do with losing. Seemed like a logical conclusion to me. There is no need to get rude and personal because someone added a comment to the forum. That is the point of the forum. Good day to you as well

Hard to say if the site is rigged or not. I will go on winning streaks for about 2 months at a time and then a losing streak for 2 months at a time. I do believe replay probably favors certain players but certainly not the ones who buy chips. If you buy chips why would they want you to win. They want you to lose so you will buy more chips. I do believe replay certainly has it own set of stats that are nothing like real poker. I don’t know if it only happens to me or if anyone else has noticed this: 4 card suited flop, 2 in your hand, 2 on the flop, you have 1% chance of getting that flush. In real life you have a 38% chance. If you have 1 suited card in your hand and 3 suited cards on the flop you are very likely to hit that flush but so are others. You are about 30% likely to hit the flush in this case. I have other stats I have monitored over the years as well. It is hard to force yourself to play replays stats vs. real stats and then there is luck. Replay is more luck than skill. It amazes me at how many pushers and guys that constantly go “all in” win over and over and actually have the hand. Rare in real life poker. Shills??? Who knows??? I also have more than one user name and If I am constantly losing as one user name I log in as the other and sometimes it seems to help and sometimes not. My other user name has been permanently silenced by replay for what replay says are spreading lies which is only what I have said above. Now this ID will most likely become permanently silenced as well. Perhaps this is why I am on a losing streak :slight_smile: You decide and GL players.

I understand what the OP is saying. I believe 100% that this game is rigged in some way…Why do I say that? Because time and time again at any table there is always one or two (never more than that) players that seem to always be dealt the cards to win…I think it’s programmed to favor a certain player or seat. I play every day and I notice this. I can be at a table for 2 hours and never win a single hand because the flop, turn, and river doesn’t give me a winning card…only a crappy high card at most…but there’s that one player that one player who constantly wins. Then and the biggest reason why I think this game is rigged…I’ve been playing on here for a while and I’ve noticed patterns in the cards that are on the board/dealt and I can tell what card will come up next and I’m right most of the time. I know it’s just a free site, but still…They say it’s not rigged, but when you see certain things time and time again that makes no sense then it’s gotta be.

last time I checked my win per vintage was like 11% so go figure. bottom line for this cowboy is I relax and have fun wbh

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Why can I never win a hand?. This is very odd and makes no sense to me at all. I can be at a table for a long time and win no hands because the cards that are dealt gives me NOTHING…and it happens a lot…a whole lot…and I don’t get it. Is this supposed to happen? I really do think this game is rigged…

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Replay is an unfair poker site!!!. its plain to see if you dont buy chips you lose,or if you dont have a high rank you lose this is not fair. im not buying chips, so when i lose all of mine i will close my acct. & tell every one i know replay is riged. you win play money only if you buy play money with real money! WAREAGLEBOY

It’s plain to see you are 100% wrong Wareagleboy. I have never bought chips, I have accumulated over 300,000 and have a ranking below 6000.

What I see on this thread is that when certain players lose they blame it on rigging and not their lack of poker knowledge. Learn the game!!

You are wrong wareeagleboy, I like Bat havent bought any chips and still I am ranked 475 with 7.6 million. Yesterday I lost 30 K with KK AA and AA… It happens, get over it…

And I have over 20mil and will tell you it’s a pattern to the game. Very little skill involved. And guess what, I haven’t bought a chip either.

Like I have always said, once you figure out the pattern, you’ll rise in chips as I have.

How does this site make money?

By selling chips to those with 0!

How do you do that?

By giving you’re chips to those who already have millions. Like Eyeamdaman1 above who has 20 million…duh!

I have been bad beat almost every single time I’ve had it all at stake. Then I have come back and bought more chips. I don’t mind paying for chips but I refuse to be deliberately SCAMMED!

My last hand, #145879923, shows me with 8s 5c under and the flop comes 4d 8c 8d I bet accordingly and we get 4h on the turn then a river 4c My opponent (buddin) had Qs 4s under yet followed my hard bets? Any idea what the odds are of these two hands falling the way that they did? …it’s in the BILLIONS!

I enjoyed playing, the people are mostly friendly and the page format is well thought out but I’m not an idiot! So if you people think I’m going to give you another dime, you’re dream’n! Take you’re site and stuff it!

thats the kind of things that happen to me over & over & over!!!

Absolutely right about that peachville