I’m sure this has been brought up before but couldn’t find a thread
In tournament play there are instances where there is an all-in multiway hand. A non all-in player wins the winners cards are mucked. Why doesn’t the winner have to show his cards to win the all-in players chips?
[#1230885474]. (Log In · Get into our Poker Games - Replay Poker)Here is an example of the most recent occurrence of seeing this.
Under TDA rules this wouldn’t be allowed, I KNOW its free play but still.
I know what you mean. They used to show the hole cards until a few years ago unless you clicked the muck cards option. I always felt it was one of the best features of a “Replay” poker hand review. Several people complained about seeing the hole cards and Replay made the change, I’m just guessing.
In the hand which you’ve provided because flypoop was all-in and no one called CaptBones raise we just have to trust that poop lost to Bones because Bones had the better hand. There are other situations when this happens.
Everyone should keep complaining about this change. My opinion is others have paid to see some of the Streets.
Flypoop was all-in blind and sitting out. A player sitting out never tables. His hand is always declared dead and he folds without showdown. CptBones did not have to table because everyone folded to him. Nothing wrong with this one.
Usually he is folded out when the pre-flop action is closed, so this one looks weird. I guess the all-in is funky in the algorhythm but the outcome is exactly the same. As soon as he is heads-up and there is no more action, instead of tabling, he is folded out.
I’m not sure what the argument is here. I’ve never seen anyone on Replay win a showdown without tabling.
Appreciate the feedback and didn’t notice that the all-in was sitting out, so I guess this was a bad example, I do see the difference with that specific spot for the all-in with just the SB. Like I said in the original I’ve seen this result previously with a “no show” winner and thought it strange.
thanks all
You’ll have to show a better example because if what you say is true that’s not right. You cannot win a pot at showdown without tabling. Some sites may let you table only 1 cards if that is enough to win the hand (say the Ah of a 4-heart board when Villain has less than flush), but proper casino tournament rules state that you must table both cards to win a pot at showdown. Indeed, if river action closes with a call to your bet, in most houses you must table both cards since Villain paid to see your hand. Villain may muck showdown if he loses though.