action is to keep players in hand till river.
if the 3 of us had limped in . why wouldn’t A9 think their 2 pair is good? then give both players a flush draw to keep them in hand even more.
it happens all time. just baits the players to thinking a hand is good.
here is a good one. I flop 3 of a kind with Q,10 hearts. I folded on river cause I knew I got screwed over, what I didn’t know was I got doubled screwed over. 2 aces out of the deck and yet somehow still manage to throw the last two aces out there.
While it’s unlikely that the opponents who flopped 2 pair AT would’ve folded, you didn’t do yourself any favors by min-betting with 3 opponents facing you, so they didn’t fear you enough to fold. When you hit the ten on the flop and didn’t jam or raise very large is what hurt you the most. Maybe they would’ve folded, maybe not. But that’s when you should have really let them know you had a great hand. As it was, you allowed them to beat you. You needed to thin the field or at least give them a scare.
It wouldn’t had mattered what I did. Just look how set everyone up. I figured I was gonna get screwed over anyway. Why I did what I did. Come on 3 full houses. I could had shove all In on flop and both would still call And got the only Ace left to screw me.
I rewatched it and I’ve got to give you credit for making a smart fold.