RPOS Event #1 ruined by time wasters

Each table I was at had about 2-3 people deliberately using full time for each hand. You can’t give a 20 second time limit for each decision with 10 minute blind levels.

And I refuse to believe this was not being done deliberately. So please spare me the “Maybe they had a slow internet connection” kind of crap

And yes, you can reply to this thread to comment that this is technically valid within the rules. Replay should be not allowing people to waste this much time in their flagship tournament.

Can I offer you a Nice Cheese to go with that Wine Sir :rofl:

p.s Congrats on nice comeback and well played game :slight_smile:


6th place was my cheese. Your 37th was my wine :smiley:


As I recall, the table had good banter and I appreciated the slower play to get my two cents in …

So we could look at it different ways.

Congrats on your final table appearance!

Enjoy the following music with the cheese.


rpos league of legends game #3 would not let us get our last add on during the re buy break. It just flickered…


same on our table


That explains my success making the final table!

Too good to be true, a tainted final table then.

Proves we live in an imperfect world and play on an imperfect site.

I think we knew that going in, so it isn’t new, but the exact problem, this time, probably is new.

My only question is, did you wait until the final seconds to add on?

I added on immediately and had no problem.


no, tried to add immediately and often. Even refreshed table several times to no avail.

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@Chasetheriver this almost same thing occurred last year, this year it seems that about 1/2 of the field Did Not get to add on 5000 chips. I did get my add on and Did move up the Leaderboard but as always I believe in a fair game to ALL. So I ask that ALL scores including my own be voided and the Winner still receive their ticket to TOC. What is Fair is Fair bottom line.

The Goat :goat: :slight_smile:

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here’s a good ending hand. witch shows a bad beat. Hand #1044688881 - Replay Poker


@fizzymint @Chasetheriver

I have been trying to register to RPOS HRS #3 and I’m unable to using a Ticket or chips.

Never mind just got accepted.

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Right now it seems that were not getting seated in rpos hrs game #3 … its not starting.

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finily got to table at 5 min after

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:slight_smile: verything is rolling nice now .:slight_smile:

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