I can no longer sit in my “lucky chair” (what a misnomer} because the seat rotation button is gone. Is there another way to rotate seats that I don’t know of?
Just checked all games running and the rotation button is there!
In this replay hand which you’re playing, the seat rotation button shows next to the Lobby button.
replay of a hand does not necessarily reflects his experience
Hi startinmartin,
I took a look at the same hand replay:
As you can see, I have the rotate button when I look at the hand (it works, I checked). This suggests that the problem could be on your end. You might try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. That has been known to fix a large number of client side issues. If that doesn’t work I perhaps you should contact support : support@replaypoker.com.
I hope this helps…
When I started on Replay back in 2020, I had no sit out next hand box to check.
I remember asking random players on a table where is it?
“Look lower left it should be right there!” was the answer but I didn’t see it because it
wasn’t there.
Eventually, the problem disappeared but I do remember playing without that option for
a long time.
I do not remember how it was corrected.
Maybe a reboot or a newer version?
It has been so long ago; I have forgotten the exact details.
I have no doubt the player did indeed have no rotation button.
These things happen on Replay!
May be you see it not because your background is white, and the rotate symbol is white too? What have you there for a nice graphic? It looks a little bit like Commodore C64, lol. I know how to change the table color, and it looks like you did it.
Your screen shot sure looks very different from mine. Mine is always like the one @das32343 has shown.
I recently had the leaderboard box disappear playing an MTT and it turned out it was caused by the Zoom feature for the screen.
I’m getting the urge to watch a few Columbo episodes after reading your post.
Ah, so the zoom feature has that power.
BTW, just one more thing…
The long-ago contest…
How did you guess so close to 94?
(Imagine Columbo looking up close at that jar with his one good eye)
ive never seen lobby buttons and chipcount at a table, wonder how you did that?
- maybe restore to default settings and see if that fixes it?
Lobby and chipcount are always present when playing/viewing tables in a regular browser window instead of the table pop up window:
I usually crop them out of my pix.
Zooming the browser can cause some parts/elements of a web page to move around or disappear (note the missing “promotions” and “community” links):
Zooming does not seem to affect the “rotate” button though…
It was the Jan. BTS MTT and a Staff member at the table made the suggestion. Wierd part, I never messed with the Zoom prior to the game
What happened in 94?.