Why when I go to play a ring game it auto assumes my buyin, whereas if I rebuy I have a set limit range to rebuy into… 5/10 NL Hold’em Ring game table… buyin is 1250, yet rebuy is 500-2000.
Feedback: this is extremely wrong, and directly hurts players in many ways… ( orig buyin amt )
Suggestion: Like all other poker sites give the 500-2000 selection before being seated.
( Simple elegant solution )
Can the Staff respond to this post please and explain … ?
I’m not from the staff but I can at least explain your options:
If you click on “play now” you’ll get depending on stakes either 125BB or 100BB.
If you click on “open table” and then pick your spot you’ll be able to enter the buy-in you want between (again depending on the stakes) 50BB-200BB or 50BB-150BB.
Then you can complete to 150-200BB whenever you want if you’re not involved in a hand. And if you get to 0 you can as well re-buy between 50BB to 150-200BB.
Hope it helps. A good suggestion would be to allow players to set their automatic “play now” buy-in, like for example 100BB instead of 125BB in their preferences.
While I agree on players shoul able set up auto buy in as % , otherwise would be a mess if any table allow separete set up.
Also, would be nice to see where is the button, I guess that may put too much stress on the site.
Anyway, Auto is auto, @Sassy_Sarah , it is a solution for you. Please do not hit “PLAY NOW” , instead hit “OPEN TABLE” , then you choose the seat, then you can set up auto buy in, and the ammount YOU want to put on table.
Also check out your https://www.replaypoker.com/settings , lil fine tune your needs, like no sound, 4 colour cards and more.