Rest in Peace Vicky dearest

I have just received the saddest news from a common friend. Vicky, @vickywd here on Replay, passed away 2 days ago.

I’ve known Vicky from Replay since I have joined. She was one of the nicest and sweetest people I’ve had the pleasure and honor to know. She was always so vibrant and happy and always brought laughter and joy to the chat and to every game she played. We were also planning to meet in person the next time she visits my city. I can’t believe she’s gone. I know she will be missed by many,

I’m not good at doing this, but I just wanted to mention her in here, honoring her memory, on the site she spent hours every day on, and loved so much. It’s a great thing how people can become online friends and even feel very close when they’re continents apart, but also very sad when you lose those friends even if you’ve never actually met them in person.

Vicky, you were always and will always be a kind spirit and an angel. Rest in peace my dear friend. You will always be remembered and you will always be missed.


I didn’t know Vicky but she sounded like a great person. She will be missed.



my condolances


Sorry to hear about your friend , gone but not forgotten .


I’m in shock :cry:
I knew Vicky since many many years, a very nice, lovely lady, who loved to play poker, meet her friends at the table and who enjoyed writing short stories and poetry.
We take our ‘internet’ friends sometimes a bit for granted, but when you read a message like this it still hurts very much.
Rest in Peace … you will never be forgotten ! xxx



I too am in shock. Vicky and I were members of the same poker team a couple of years ago and I have known her for about five years. She always lit up any table she played on and made everyone laugh. My condolences to her family and the many poker friends she acquired over the years. May you rest in peace Vicky roses

Love Kate xx


Just heard the news about Vicky. She was a lovely lady and I too was a member of the team she played in. It was a shock to hear the news and even though we never met, and only knew each other through our shared love of poker, we had many fun times over the years playing together. She had a lot of friends in this community and will be very sadly missed. I’ll remember you every time I sit down at a table Vicky.


My condolences. She sounds like she was a great person and will be missed by many.


I’m incredibly sad to hear about the passing of such a beloved member of the community. Thanks for sharing the news, and to everyone sharing your memories of Vicky.


l have known Vicky for about 5years, played on the same team for 4years, always talking to verybody. very, very nice lady…R I P xx


I have no words. Love xxxxx Sabrina


i will all time remember the lady you was


Amiga, siempre te recordaré. Hace una semana estábamos hablando por chat y enviándonos mensajes. Todavía no lo puedo creer, qué tristeza…

Friend, I will always remember you. A week ago we were talking on chat and sending messages. I still can not believe it, what sadness …


La única persona que conocí acá que le decía hola y buena suerte a todos. Siempre de buen humor. Replay será un poco más triste ahora.

The only person Ive met here who said hi and gl to everybody. Always in the mood
Replay will be a little sadder now

Voy a extrañar tu “Suerte Tara” (I will miss your “Suerte Tara”).


Rest in Peace sweet Vicky. You will be missed, So enjoyed your laughter & spirit through the years while playing teams and at the replay tables. :sob:


Condolences to all that had the pleasure of “knowing” this fine individual!! Obviously a very, very special spirit that will be missed and long remembered by those here at RPP and beyond. May Vicky be your inspiration as you cherish her memory and hold her forever in your heart. Celebrate the honor!!


I think it would be a very nice gesture if Replay had a R.I.P. page listing members that we know have passed. Some we will never know, they just disappear, But would be nice to know if they had gone on to an even better poker site for the rest of time.


I think this is a great idea Seville. Having a remembrance page would allow us to remember and not forget those who have passed in the Replay community.



My condolences to Vicky’s family and friends, may they have strength in this time of need…Rest in peace.Vicky …we played, we laughed, we fought best of times gone by, but remembered…


Fond memories - rest in peace Vicky (Gypsy Moon Lady) join a soul sister poker team in heaven…