Replay Treasure Hunt (you can even win something!)

Before I start, something important: this treasure hunt is not an official Replay Poker contest!
It’s just made by me, Replay has nothing to do with it. I did ask for permission, though :slight_smile:

I always loved to create treasure hunts. Thinking of riddles and trying to come up with little leads and hints is just a lot of fun. And so I thought about creating one for Replay. It will be mostly about poker (duh!) and about Replay. There will be different kind of riddles that have to be solved, but more about that further down.
And one more thing: I used a URL shortener so I could customize the URLS. All links you’ll follow through it, will lead you to trustworthy sites (like Wikipedia). I won’t send you to any weird corners of the internet where neither of us wants to be! #feet
One single link on Imgur gives a warning though that it may contain erotic or adult imagery and wants you to confirm that you’re over 18 (please do that, otherwise you can’t see it).
But let me guarantee you, except for a semi bald head, there is not even a hunch of erotic imagery in that photo! Really, not even remotely!
Weird algorithms…

A bit further down will be the first riddle you have to solve that will lead you further down the rabbit hole :wink:
I’ll always explain (as best as I can) how each riddle has to be solved. If there is still something unclear, please feel free to ask here but make sure to not post any spoilers! If you can’t ask without using spoilers, please send me a PM instead.
In case we’re not friends, feel free to send me a friend request:
And if you solved it and want to be added to the pot of possible winners, please send me a PM and !under no circumstances! post the solution here in the forum! That would spoil the fun for everyone else.

Shortly after Christmas, I was browsing Steam and stumbled upon Balatro:

Combine valid poker hands with unique Joker cards in order to create varied synergies and builds. Earn enough chips to beat devious blinds, all while uncovering hidden bonus hands and decks as you progress. You’re going to need every edge you can get in order to reach the boss blind, beat the final ante and secure victory.

Since I started playing, I amassed a play time of the game that has 3 digits… I’m too ashamed to name that number. But that just shows, how addicting that game is!
And because of that, I give 2 Steam copies of it away. :partying_face:
One to the person who finishes the treasure hunt as first and another winner gets picked from everyone else who finishes it until the 31st of January.
You need to have a Steam account to be able to get the game from me. If you don’t have one, you can create one easily. We have to become friends on Steam for a moment, so I can buy the game as a gift for you. (you can only give games to people you are friends with), but we can unfriend each other directly after!
But of course you can also participate, if you don’t want to win the game! Just tell me and I’ll leave you out of the pot :slight_smile:

The second person won’t be picked with or anything like that, but instead my Finja will pick the winner :wink: I’ll write all the names from the ones who finished it on pieces of paper and will let her pick one. She might not look thrilled about it but let me assure you: she is!

But enough with the bla bla for now! I’m curious anyway, if anyone read that far :wink:
But if you did: we start now!
The first riddle is a simple crossword puzzle with questions about Replay!
Here is a link to a PDF file, in case you want to print it:
crossword_print.pdf (1.2 MB)
The solution (which won’t make sense - it’s just random letters, so don’t think you’re wrong before you tried it!) has to be added after the / of this URL:
(so it will look like this [but then of course with the letters from the crossword]:
Combined, the link will take you to the next part of the treasure hunt. There are 7 parts in total, this here being the first.

And now I hope that many people will participate!
And even if not: I had a blast creating this treasure hunt :blue_heart:
Have fun! :heart_eyes:

you can click on this image to make it bigger!


This looks like fun, but at 74 yrs young, I have to accept that I am, and always will be a Luddite. You lost me at URL, since I don’t know what that means. I’m sure someone will figure out the answer before Tuesday, which is the earliest time I can call my tech help, as the library is closed until then. Hopefully, she can walk me through it all, and I will be able to play the next one… I do love puzzles!! Good luck to all.

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Hey Cassandra :slight_smile:
The URL is the adress of a website. Like or
And in this case it is
The solution of the crossword puzzle has to be added to it.
So for example:

but then instead of “fdsjhfkahj” the solution of the crossword.
This link will then bring you to the next part of the treasure hunt.

Feel free to send me a friend request on Replay, if you need more help :slight_smile:

I just realized (because someone wrote to me) that the links are case sensitive. I did 20 test runs of the whole thing to find possible flaws but I didn’t even consider that just for a second… :neutral_face:
I added now on every page you come to, in which format you have to add the solution to the URL, so please check the title and/or description under the images.

The first solution of the crossword puzzle here needs to be only lowercase letters!

Please reach out to me, if there is anything else not working!

The first person solved it :partying_face: :clap:
He didn’t want to have the game though, so the game for the one who finishes first is still up for grabs!

Step 6 seems to be a bit more complicated than I thought, so if you’re stuck there, let me know and I’ll try to push you in the right direction.

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Well, this has been a success so far… :neutral_face:
In case you’re doing the treasure hunt and you’re stuck somewhere, just let me know and I’ll try to help :woman_shrugging:

I will get to the end eventually, but I’m slow.



:joy: :joy: :joy:

I’m rooting for you and your brain!

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@SilentOutlaw’s brain did what it had to do and he solved it!
:partying_face: :clap: :partying_face:
Even though he is the second to solve it, he’s the first who wants to have the game, so he’s the winner of one of the copies of Balatro.

Everyone else who’ll finish it from now on will make it to the pot from which my dog will pick the winner :slight_smile:


There are three days left to solve it, so if anyone would like to have the game… :woman_shrugging:

Topic closed at the request of the Original Poster