Replay Poker is good, but surprisingly it has some incredibly basic things missing. Here’s one!
What’s one of the number one complaints on the site?
“This table is too slow!”
“People take too long to take their turn.”
Well, duh. Unlike most other poker sites, incredibly there’s no unique loud chime letting anyone know when their turn/their action has actually started!!
You only hear the checking, betting or folding sound. The site assumes you are keeping your eyes on the screen every second during a hand (which is actually terrible for your eyes and well being). So you have to know magically that this one betting tone you’re hearing (just like all the thousands you have heard before) is the one right before your turn!!
Which you don’t know if your eyes aren’t always glued to the screen.
We’re human though, so we don’t always do what we’re supposed to.
“Checking” has a tone, betting has a tone, a new card has a tone, dealign has a tone, folding has a tone, but NOT when your turn starts!!
It only beeps at you during your actual turn when you reach the last 25% of your time remaining–which is good to know, but not nerly as useful as knowing when your turn actually begins!!
You think that might have something to do with people being slow to bet . . . ?!
A little?!
If someone is momentarily distracted, they often have no idea it’s their turn.
Are they going to put in their bet in a timely fashion?! no way!!
They then have to scramble in the last seconds to type in the right amount. I race that clock all the time, and we don’t need to if we get a unique loud start tone.
Please fix this Replay Poker!!
I will mention another thing, but post it by itself later. Since people are scrambling to get amounts in, it would be nice if for initial betting they added at 2.5X button (since many famous players recommend it) and add for regular betting a 2/3rd of pot button. Half sometimes has everyone pile in (we still need that button), but we could use a 2/3s button for when you want to cause someone some pain in calling you.
Since that’s related to this, I would recommend those additions too!!
Thanks, guys!!