Random Dealing Software?

I really enjoy playing poker on this site. There is a great bunch of people. However I have 1 huge issue with the site and it’s nothing to do with the people. It has everything to do with the dealing software being used. I tracked every hand I played in for 1 day about 8 hrs total. I was multi- tabling but I was astonished to see what I had suspected all along. There was flushes being hit 64% of the time. The majority were by the player holding 2 suited cards and usually sucking out with a river card. The number of times I seen 4 suited cards and a lot of times all 5 cards on the board was unbelievable. If the system really needs a new random dealing system. When u flop trips or a str8 then just like clockwork the 4th street and river card will be suited and u lose a ton of chips. Yes in poker u will lose with a variety of hands but it shouldn’t be 6 out of every 10 hands on avg to a flush. I would really like to see a new dealing random card dealing system to see if the hands will not be so one sided.

We believe strongly at ReplayPoker in the fairness of our poker games.

That’s why we asked Gaming Associates, an Australian based testing company who have audited real money poker sites like PKR, to perform an in-depth analysis of the randomness of the output of ReplayPoker’s random number generator (RNG), and our implementation of shuffling the cards.

Their evaluation is now complete and we’re very pleased to announce we have successfully met ALL their requirements, thus confirming:

  • the RNG generated results are uniformly distributed and statistically independent; and - shuffled cards for poker card games are fair and not predictable

A copy of the official Evaluation Certificate can be found on Gaming Associates website here.

We believe this makes ReplayPoker, the first and only play money poker site to be independently audited and guaranteed a fair game!

-ReplayPoker Team ///http://www.gamingassociates.com/CertSystem/Domain/ShowPayouts.aspx

I understand this company supposedly gave the software A+. However when u play at 2 tables like I did for most of the day I used hand tracking software I had used when FT was still up and running. Over that 8hr or so session there were 64% of the hands I won with or lost against or seen during someone else hands were flushes. It’s not my imagination it is what it is. If this audit company says it’s fair and consider that many flushes fair then so be it. I am just pointing out a flaw IMO the dealing software has in it. I am not the only player who’s complained. There are plenty of players who see the same things as I do. It is what it is and we will just have to deal with the software like it is. Who knows it may get a wild hair and spit out flushes 85% of the time… Only time will tell!!!

RP work on a statistic , like all your hand, split up high,pair,… in %. Thets should show real % and can be compared with the odds. What I think on this site users call more often with suited, low cards… donno why…

Becouse of some complaiments, RP focus on thet question and try do the best with all resources to find out if it is true or not and give the users the best possible answears.

As spgodog pointed out , the independent gamingassociates did a long run check on the site and they said the odds is right.

Hmm, I’m interested in this hand tracking software, can you send an email to support@replaypoker.com with more information about it. Can we see the results of it for example. Like marcipan said we have plans to track the stats for hands and pot cards for players piece of mind, as much as our own. If there is a flaw in our dealing software - and that’s a big if, then we’ll track it down. I honestly don’t think there is, but the stats tracking we have planned will give everyone a lot more confidence, I’m sure of that. But at the same time thanks for bringing this to our attention, we value your feedback and we know that mistakes can happen, we’re only human after all, so despite the fact we’re certified we still don’t assume everything is fine, it’s definitely worth testing and more testing, to make sure.

Check this hand out Flush fans!! http://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/51421953

Am I surprised to see this? No not all… Am I glad someone shared this? Absolutely. We all know there are 13 suited cards X 4 in a deck of cards. So in this 1 hand 11 out of the 13 were used. We can only assume the other 2 were actually not dealt, very possible they were folded pre-flop… Who knows? I have only given my opinion about what I attribute this problem too. However my opinion is like an azzhole. Everyone breathing has 1. I personally don’t think it’s my imagination that flushes in general hit here more than the norm. Not to beat a dead horse but basic poker math and statistics confirms the odds::

Getting two suited cards as a starting hand is fairly common. The probability of being dealt two suited cards is 23.58% which means those who like to play ASAP will have plenty of chances to enter the pot. Completing your flush is a lot more difficult.

The Flop

The probability of flopping three of you suit giving you a complete flush is .842%. The odds against you is 118:1.

The probability of flopping two of your suit for a four flush is 10.944 %. The odds are 8:1 against you.

The probability of only flopping one of your suit is 41.6%. The odds are 1.4:1.

The Turn

If you have a four flush after the flop the probability of making a flush on the turn or river is 34.97%. The Odds against you are 1.86:1.

The River

If you have a four flush after the turn the probability of making a flush on the river 19.6%. The odds against you are 4.1:1

Turn and River Runner- Runner

If you flop only one of your suit, the probability of hitting your suit on the turn and the river is 4.2%. The odds against you are 24:1.

Finally for all the possibilities if you start suited and stay to see all seven cards (your two and the five board cards) the probability that you will make a flush is 5.77%. The odds against you are 16.3:1.

Simply put for every time you play two suited cards you will only make your flush about once in 16 tries. If you play low suited cards you still have to worry about a bigger flush beating you.

**** I can not put typing in BOLD so I will reiterate that statistics don’t lie. These numbers I based on a 8 player table which is most common and what stands out most is the next to last paragraph. If u start with 2 suited cards and call/check all the way to the river u will WIN just 5.77% which means u LOSE over 94% of the time…Not on here… This is what leads me to say what I do.


BIGPHIL, you are a smart guy with a lot of time on your hand. However, the randomness of 52 cards still has a mind of its own.

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Last month we dealt 761,870 hands of poker, so pulling out a single hand isn’t really representative of anything.

I think the only way we can decide this once and for all to view the hard stats. We’ll generate a daily report showing the percentages you talked about from the hands actually dealt. I hope we can do this in realtime, so that you can see for yourself the authenticity. Then I think this will put a close to the subject (whether it proves a bias,as you suspect, or no bias, as we’ve confident it will). But I appreciate your concerns, we want to not just be fair but be seen and proven to be fair.

Last month we dealt 761,870 hands of poker, so pulling out a single hand isn’t really representative of anything.

I think the only way we can decide this once and for all to view the hard stats. We’ll generate a daily report showing the percentages you talked about from the hands actually dealt. I hope we can do this in realtime, so that you can see for yourself the authenticity. Then I think this will put a close to the subject (whether it proves a bias,as you suspect, or no bias, as we’ve confident it will). But I appreciate your concerns, we want to not just be fair but be seen and proven to be fair.

Who is Sandy99???

It’s an account we use for testing, if we want to log in as a regular member. But sometimes I forget to look out of the account, so I end up replying from the wrong account. :confused:

Ok. I just kept getting dual messaged from you and Sandy99. Thanks!

Yeah I know, sorry about that! :slight_smile:

Thought I had a stalker.