I was looking for the best mtt to spend my 1million entry tickets, only to find those are all EU late night or very early morning, a 0 vs 15million gtd difference !?
even the 500k (not offered at all during day?) tournaments have a 10m gtd prizepool ?
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Yes you both got a point there Larry and Lelaina. I also think that it should be spread more over the day or just more high buy-in tournaments should be added throughout the day. But who know’s what the future brings. I will bring it up in the next meeting. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
hi Larry,
There is a 1million buy in mtt every 3 hours every day (8 total) and a 500k mtt every three hours running from 1400 (2:00pm) to 2300 (11:00pm) east coast U.S. time (4 total).
I believe guaranteed prize pools are offered on those tournaments for which Replay is trying to attract players for some reason. Usually for low registration I would bet.
For those who do not understand how it works, guaranteed prize pools are only a minimum. Suppose a 1 million buy in tournament has a 5 million guaranteed prize pool, if 5 or less players buy in then the total prize pool is 5 million if 6 or more players register then the TOTAL prize pool is 1 million per registered player minus the tournament fee. So, For a 1 million buy in tournament with a 25k fee, 5 million guaranteed prize pool, and 6 players, the TOTAL prize pool would be: 5,850,000. The guarantaad amount is NOT an add on.
Hope this helps…
I’ve been a reg in the 1M MTT’s for a long while…used to be the late night ones (Frozen Comet, Full Moon, Supernova)…now it’s usually the early ones (Asteroid Belt, Big Bang, Black Hole…sometimes Warp Speed before bed…the PKO Solar Eclipse is bad ROI IMO unless you get 1st or scores tons of KO’s in getting 2nd so I abstain) due to a work schedule shift…those couple of guarantees are always passed and would be passed in all the other 1M MTT’s that don’t have guarantees.
The 15M guarantee is literally nothing as you only need 16 players to go beyond that (15.6 million) and practically every event attracts 16+. Occasionally you might see a Full Moon or Supernova fall short of that…but that just means you only have to finish in the top 25% of a small field to cash.
The structure for all of them are great. So don’t feel disheartened or think it goes against EU scheduling because of the lack of guarantees. The 2 that have them shouldn’t any way because the tournaments are in WHITE when it’s purple that usually marks the guaranteed prizepool events. The 1M’s don’t even need them as it attracts plenty all the time.
Just look at the structures (6-max v. 9-max…acceleration [start at 15/30 and skip 400/800 and 600/1200 levels] v. slower [start at 10/20 and have extra levels in between]) to make your judgment on the best one to play.
I’m sure most regular players are familiar with this but for anyone less so, a Guarantee / GTD MTT is not one where there are extra chips, no-matter-what.
- The current Bankroll Builders are an example of that. We are adding 100,000 to each tournament regardless of player participation.
A MTT Guarantee means Replay makes up the prize pool to a certain amount, even if the buy ins and rebuys collected from the players is less that the GTD amount. Any extra chips taken as buyins are still paid out in full.
For cash sites, it is indeed a way to try and promote off peak or less popular games.
In practice, at Replay, that has not been very successful. Raising GTDs rarely changes the attendance by any degree, if at all.
Replay MTT attendance is bound to time of day. US peak times are busier than EU and EU is busier than Rest of the World. Making all tournaments universally the same across the whole day would still produce lumpy results.
When I first took on the Poker Room Manager role, I tried tinkering with GTDs quite often but nowadays, it is much less frequently.
We are also subject to seasonality. There is significantly less poker activity in the summer months.
Regarding Solar Eclipse and other PKO games. PKO threw a spanner in the GTD works.
Many PKO MTT are actually really good value for players right now. The Guarantee is separate from the PKO Bounty prize pool. The GTD applies to the 50% of the buy ins which goes to the prize pool.
For Example: This means that any tournament which pre PKO was GTD 15M and collected say 20M is now collecting just 10M for the prize pool and Replay is making up the GTD to 15M, as well as there being a separate Knockout pool.
Go play PKO !!!
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Thanks Rob,… good info!