I’m fairly new to this site and enjoy the Poker Tables whether it be Low, Medium or High Stakes.
I would like to see Replay Poker come up with Private Rooms where players can play with Friends and Family through invites only. I also think it would be great for those that are new to the game and perhaps a friend or family member can play to teach them without higher skill level players coming in disrupting the game.
take a look at the link below…
You can email support@replaypoker.com for details and help in setting up your own league where you and your family/friends can play in private games.
how do you go about hosting? sounds interesting!
email support@replaypoker.com for details
Great suggestion, and awesome that it is possible to host your own league, I didn’t know about that. Will look into it for sure.
I would just like to clarify that although leagues are encouraged and supported, they are not private in the sense that no one can watch the play. It is not the same as having a private room.
I hope this helps
Thank you all for your responses and feedback. I would love to start a league or be in one just to see how it works. I don’t consider myself as an expert Poker Player to play in tournaments, I just wanted to have an avenue where I can play and enjoy the game. My skill level I would guess as fairly good but not high lol…as for spectators watching I don’t have a problem with that. Today while on my lunch break I played a few games, and as you can see in my ring games, I always have one person always making a comment about the table…I’m not sure why they feel that they have to do that…I just play the cards and hands dealt. I’m sorry if they lose not my fault I win a few hands…How do I sign up to be on a league, if anyone would have me?
If you go to the drop down menu on the Dashboard you will see Leagues halfway down. Click on that and it will take you to the leagues page and you can peruse the different leagues. The organisers will show there and you can contact any of them if you are interested in joining one.
I have a League on here called Poker Amusement… send me a friends request and I can tell you all about it !
Thank you I saw that! I’m still learning all the ins and outs of the site and what tables to stay out of lol…lots of high skilled players in here than me.
ok will do! Thank you for the invite
Hi Everyone,
MsCobra427 said:
“I would like to see Replay Poker come up with Private Rooms where players can play with Friends and Family through invites only.”
Its like Home Games on porkerstars idea.
I would like to see realporker have porker school for the new people that never played porker before.
Can leagues only do tournament play? With our senior center closed for card playing, I was wondering whether a league would give us a way to have a private casual ring game that players could drop in and out of as needed. Tournaments would be fun too but it might take a while to get the whole group up to speed for that.