Below is a collection of Poker Truisms that may help beginner players
Be the aggressor, not the victim, nor the limper
What matters more than what you have is what your opponents think you have - foundation of bluffing.
Seldom call an all-in (pre-flop) with less than AA or KK.
80% of the time, a large bet/raise means 2 pair or a set.
The Average Winning Hand in hold’em is 2 pair.
Remember, AK and AQ are just drawing hands - You will miss the flop 73% of the time.
The good stuff is generally in the small-medium pots.
Take as much chance out of the game as you can. Read the signs in the flop and bets and the table mood.
It’s often the good hands or failed big cards that you that get you into trouble.
A good player knows when to fold a good hand.
The other players miss the flop as often as you do and get a full house with cards you fold as often as you do.
Suited cards are better than non-suited, but not by as much as you might think (+5%).
Having both start > 6 gives two ways of getting a pair and they provide a kicker for each other => increases the odds for a winning pair.
Ace Rag (unsuited) Ace with a low kicker A9, A8, A7, A6, A5, A4, A3, A2 are danger cards, generally fold unless few players remain in the hand. Same applies for K’s
Small to medium pairs unsuited are of low value => position and number of players is the key. Your pair will hit a set about 10% of the time
Push for a win when you are in control. Let go the risky races with uncertainty, fold.
The probability of completing a straight with 2 connected cards is about 2.6%
The probability of completing a flush with 2 suited cards is about 2.4% (so flush is harder).
The probability of completing either a straight or flush with 2 suited & connected cards is about 2.8% + 2.4% = 5.2%.
The probability of completing a straight with 3 connected cards is about 13.1%.
The probability of completing a flush with 3 suited cards is about 25.2%. (double that for completing a straight).
Two Times Rule: After the flop, multiplying the number of outs by 2 gives an estimate of the probability of hitting your outs by the next card.
Four Times Rule: After the flop, multiplying the number of outs by 4 gives an estimate of the probability of hitting your outs by the river.