Thanks Poki for all of your efforts. We shouldn’t have to overwrite the sites program to get the results the players want.
For those interested here is some additional links to BROADCAST posts on RP:
Nah! That’s too easy! lol
What about if RP gives away more FREE chips or adds a new feature that adds more FREE chips?
RP could easily fix this issue - but obviously they just don’t care! Its funny that the players running and developing the site care less than the players!
I do look back at the hand sometimes and certainly when it gets cut off and no one gets to see the end of the hand.
Nice to see: Threads because this nuisance started 8 years ago, and nothing changed.
Yes! There are several more posts too! Maybe another 3 specifically about Broadcast players can find by searching the RP FORUM.
For those that couldn’t be bothered looking themselves here is part of one post:
I could only guess that making a change as MrReplay said: “so you can control exactly what you’d like to see” was considered to hurt RP and profits?!?! Why else would RP renege on a suggestion that is good for many players?