Omaha hilo

I would like to see a regular tournament added in Omaha Hilo of 100000. At the moment it’s 50000 then the next one is 250000 and that’s steep curve :slight_smile:


I agree…to have no 100K doesn’t seem right. Hi/Lo is all I play. They had talked about adding some, but it never happened. :frowning_face:


It would also benefit those who are picking up the new Streak Tickets to be able to use the 100.000 value ones.


Great Idea and suggestion @swamptrash , I would only add there should be 2 Omaha, Hi - Lo, 100K MTTs. One would be at a morning ET and the other in evening ET. This would allow both eastern & western country’s, players the opportunity to play one.


Yep, i sometimes do not use mine-WISH i could use it on hi-lo though:)


Well, I guess we can’t say they didn’t add a100K Hi/Lo tourney, but not at a time I will ever be able to play…sigh… I wish they would have listened to you, and added one at 5am also.


There is no end time for hope:) gl at the tables


Posted by Fizzymint

For our December contest, we’re offering you a gift! Replay swag to three random participants, AND 500k to four selected ideas! :gift:

You asked, so we’re answering. :white_check_mark:

We’re adding new 100k tournaments to help you get even more use out of your streak tickets. They’ll run at the following times in EST:

11:15 am - Texas Hold’em
4:15 pm - Texas Hold’em
5 pm - Omaha Hi/Lo
8:30 pm - Texas Hold’em

Looks like your wish came true! at least one anyway.


Include me in for a strong desire to add $100,000 High low tournments.


Omaha is a very good & fun game & never played it till Replay put it on. Replay, please share the opportunity’s for everyone, worldwide and consider a 100K ticket Hi-Lo early ET game :slight_smile:



Did you get my entry?

Yes, @Vegasgal69 we did.

Thanks and good luck.

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This is AWESOME! Going to get in on one of those hi lo games for sure! TY

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there is no 5 pm 100K hi/lo game listed and yes I checked my filters

@1530 I am not sure when they will start, the 100k 5pm EST omaha game or what day’s they are on, I think they are still in process, I am sure they will announce when it begins.

Thank you for the reply, we look forward to more hi/lo tournaments spread out over different
time zones.


I like playing Hi-Lo when no replay shills are at the table. Fun game.


Got to agree with you. It is a really fun and dynamic game. So many more playable hands and your hand’s strength can fluctuate so much with each card on the flop turn and river. I mean someone can tell you they have a royal straight flush and you can still stay in the hand and steal half the pot with the lo :). This is one of the games I never tried before playing here and I am very glad they do offer it.

Have fun and avoid the Shills :money_mouth_face:

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Hello. I mostly play HI/LO and would love to be there.:+1: