Nordic Warriors League

I myself would play the Hi/Lo on Saturday instead of the PKO. I understand that the PKO enlarges the chip potential for players with the bounties given. Given the PKO’s newfound popularity would it be advisable to go to a 5-game format? Either way thanks for even considering this.

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Great observation. We certainly have the option of adding a fifth game in the future and that likely would be a PKO format. We were the first league to embrace the PKO format and the trial went very well, but having two league Holdem tournaments back to back on the same night seems to be a drain and over weights hold em. Getting back to a better balance of Holden and Omaha feels right and freshens things up on the back to back. We also could look at making one of the regular hold ems a PKO. But I’d want to get more feedback from the members.

Is it a positive or a negative to have two starting times that count on the leaderboards?

This has been on my mind.

I wonder if any other leagues here have two starting times…

This seems to be a transition year which is ok.

The league is quite young.

Hopefully, the future will be set so whatever accomplishments happen can be weighed equally year

after year.

I imagine some player along the way will set a Babe Ruth like record that will stand for a very long time.

So, let’s get everything sorted out in 2024.

Anything that comes to mind should be discussed sooner than later!

The future here can have 60 -70 players each game if we get it set right.

SW’s attention to detail is certainly a valuable asset right now.

Nothing stays the same forever, but we should at least set it up so it’s attractive to players not yet here!

Other leagues have had multiple starting times. Most Notably the Donks league which does have multiple starting times and it has worked ok.

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What about the possibility of consolidation?

Which leagues are the least populated?

Are they candidates for consolidation?

Which league has the most players and strongest of them all?

It would be nice to get a listing and see if there’s an opportunity there.

If there’s a willingness to consolidate leagues, is that a long term positive?

If there’s changes in the works in 2024, why not consolidate now.

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Food for thought for sure. On my first day in this role I can’t say I have looked any other leagues or reached out at this point :slight_smile:

I would prefer 2 reg no limit holdem and 2 Hi/Lo for now. As with the Early Bird league they changed most days I could play to Royal, 7 card stud and eventually they unlisted me.
All things considered, I feel this league is in good leadership and will abide by their decisions.
Oh, southwestern please don’t take my chips! LOL.

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Just figured this out.

Learn something new every day!

Go to the Replay main page, click on the little down arrow (Top Right), select Leagues.

I see the listings of all the leagues now and how many players in each league.


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The new NL Omaha Hi/lo game is on the Saturday schedule! 6:30 EST thank you Rob/ @Chasetheriver ,
We will be sorting the separation of the games on same day on the LB in time.

Most of the days I am available are plugged full of other leagues a lot of our players are in.
Now that Andy is on board, we will look at expansion and or moving to times that better suit east coast and euro players in the future.
Right now, let’s run with 2 of each and see what happens.
Omaha Hi/lo games are doing great, and many have voiced that two a week is a great idea.
Who knows what’s in store, I think good things for all!

Absorbing and or being absorbed into other leagues is tricky, giving up is not pretty, most feel like me, you would have to pry this league from my cold dead hands, it is a fantastic league full of wonderful people having a great time…Go Warriors!!!


Excellent communication and leadership Michael.

Behind the scenes, Rob is quietly getting the job done in a timely way.

Andy will have an impact on the league soon enough.

We’re definitely in “good hands”.

It’s a good feeling all around here and the future looks bright.


Agree. Omaha-Hold’em-Omaha-Hold’em is a great formula. This league offers something for specialists and for the most well rounded players. The goal is to have fun and play epic poker :slight_smile:


Join us in 15 minutes at 9:00 pm EST for Valhalla’s Chosen
MTT Lobby - Valhalla’s Chosen - 18,500 + 1,500 chips - NL Holdem (


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Thank you to @_snowman my mentor and all-around genius for his help with the LBs, I get nervus every time I make adjustments, but he has been a great teacher, and I am learning, willing and able.
The Nordic Warriors leader board has been modified to show time stamps for the days we have two games and separates the scores.
The past two PKO Holdem games will stay as Holdem scores and going forward that time slot will be Omaha and count on the best of 9 omaha LB

Good luck Warriors!!
You can view the revised LB here
Nordic Warriors LB 2024 Q2

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I screwed up the time for tomorrows Omaha game, I put 3:30 EST in my request, rather than what it should have been 6:30 EST, I am hoping Rob will be able to correct the time it starts before it begins, if not we will have a onetime earlier than normal game.

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It was a battle Royale for the ages tonight in Reply Square Garden. 1st quarter holdem champion @tinboat vs the reigning holden champ @MrFish68 and 1st quarter omaha champion @Sue13 battling it out and bringing home the chips tonight. A star studded event left the crowd cheering as both were staggered but somehow carried on. Congrats @tinboat for pulling a Rocky Balboa to come back and win tonight.



Holdem top 30


Facing a special starting time and way too much pollen in the air, 15 brave warriors delt with adversity and staged a great game. In the end Carl played a spectacular game and made sure my chips made it to victory lane (lol bubble boy strikes again). Joe playing in his second Omaha heads up of the day put on a masterful performance to come home second and local legend Carol end up taking her 4953rd money finish (#5 on the MTT toplist how cool is that :)) Powerhouse final table (find the other final tablist on the Toplist :)) Great game all


Nordic Warriors LB 2024 Q2

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Omaha hi/lo top 30 LB


Game tonight!!
“Odin’s Army” Saturday 20k entry!
No Limit Holdem Game Tonight at 9pm EDT.
Here is a shortcut link to tonight’s game.

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