Nordic Warriors League

Along with my other duties, I serve as a league advisor on The Early Bird League
This is a great league full of fun people with a positive vibe.
They play medley team poker and heads up games.


NL Holdem MTT and Heads-Up are at 3:00pm EST Saturdays. (Go For Broke).

NL Omaha hi/lo MTT and Heads-Up are at 3:00pm EST Thursdays. (Split The Pot).

NL Royal Holdem MTT, and Heads-Up are at 3:00pm EST Mondays. (Royal Tea Party).

7 Card Stud MTT and Heads-Up are at 3:00pm EST Tuesdays. (Down-The-River).

If you would like to join the Early Bird League, contact/ send a friend request to @Larry_Laffer, @Weedwoman420, @SuzyQQ, or @Grampenstein
Here is a link to their forum.
Early Bird League - Private League Discussion - Replay Poker
Here is a link to their rules and guidelines.

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