How about some positivity? @Sassy_Sarah suggested I should try posting my triumphs and well played hands for a change. I’m game.
I just won at this 3-Max SNG at the 10k buy-in level, against a couple of low ranked players. One played pretty well, the other, well, they didn’t win too many hands, and ended up going out on an air bluff, maybe they just didn’t get the cards tonight.
Against the player who I thought played well, they showed early on that they would slow play pairs, and hope for someone to try to put a bluff past them. I let that happen once, and from there on I was cautious about playing bluffs. I managed to take a couple of hands bluffing anyway.
I won the game on this hand, straight over straight. Both of us made straights on the river, him 3-7, me 6-10, and we had both checked all the way from preflop to the river after limping to the flop. He puts in a 200 chips bet, and I raise him, then he goes all-in, and I close the door. I was surprised to see he also had a straight, to be honest… I figured him to have top pair, two pair, or a set. But seeing that he’d also made a straight made my opinion of his game go up a notch. It was a perfect river for both of us, and it made for a really nice hand. My 89 disguised my better straight pretty well, and I don’t think he saw mine coming either.
In these 3-Max short stack games, there’s often a lot of limping, a lot of bluffing, and usually any pair is good enough to go all-in on, and you don’t play much for draws if someone’s betting on you.
Previous to that, I hit a wheel straight, with A2 on a 324 flop, making the 5 on the river. I min-bet the flop on my pair of 22s, and got a call, which worried me a bit, so I checked the Turn, so did my opponent, his mistake, and then I min-bet for value when I filled my draw and got the call for a small value payoff. Should I have tried betting bigger? I was happy to get the extra 50, but I didn’t think it would be likely that a bigger bet gets a call here, not with the board screaming straight for AX.
What could he have had to call? I wonder. Not an Ace, and not a 6, that’s for sure. Did he have a Jack? Or perhaps two pair, hitting his small card on the flop, and matching it with the Jack on the Turn? J4? It would not surprise me if he checked after hitting with a Jack, hoping to induce a follow-up bet, but if he had it, he really should have bet right then. Maybe he was just a calling station after all.
Humble beginnings, but it’s a start.