maybe an idea to put or change some rooms/ tables, make them higher in blinds so that the gap between the top players comes down and others can get bigger stakes as well. German relia. is a great option for that, can we get some 4k/8k in low and some 2,5k/5k in med ?
just a thought, tc
Hi sunny
At the old site ReplayPoker had 3 different stake lobby’s with restrictions, you needed 75k to play at the medium stake tables and 250k to play at the high stake tables.
At the new site there is only 1 lobby and there are no restrictions any more. Means when you have the min bring in you can play in that room. So when you have only 50k on your bank you can play the table with 1k big blind if you want, that is risky, you have only 50x the big blind and the chance to lose everything very quick is big, but it is possible to do now.
Greetings Happiness.