Since the change in start times and game format for Freeroll games , I just realized I’m not playing poker on this site as much as I did in the past. Also, in the past I played more MTT than any of the other games but now it is ring games and this too has led to less time spent at this site, I guess the old start times and format fit my life schedule better for participating here. Just wondering if I’m the only one experiencing this?
You’re not alone. I’ve had the same result. There are far fewer Hi-Lo games and the new schedule is not as convenient for me. I’m sure there will be a re-assessment once there has been enough time passed to be sure things have stabilized. Presumably, it has benefited others and will work out about the same for the player base as a whole. If not, we’ll see an adjustment. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy the games I can get into.
Hey @eddie72 , I’m sorry to hear that the new times haven’t been working for you as well. Alan25Main’s right that we’re always evaluating game types and times to try and make it easiest for everyone to be able to join in.
We used to have the tournaments spaced out at rather odd times for some players and because of this irregular schedule they couldn’t play. The idea with the current schedule was to make tournament times at regular intervals that has one freeroll every hour. This meant the number of daily and satellites everyone is used to stayed the same at 6 times a day but now occur once every 4 hours.
Which games and times did you used to play? Maybe we can help find some similar ones!
Personally, I like the new schedule. There is only one hour out of every four that you can’t join a free game (unless you are a new player), so you can pick which ones are convenient for you. I find myself playing tournaments I never even looked at before, because they started at the same time as a freeroll. I still play as many freerolls, but now I can fit them around the other tournaments I want to play.
I also am playing much less since the new schedule. I don’t use social media (facebook) therefore I can only play in 2 of 4 freerolls. Also it seems nearly impossible to get on a ring game table to play in the royal tourney. In general I like weekly MTT tourneys like Omaha, royal, & holdem, or mix of all.
If you’d like to join in on the Community (Facebook) Freerolls you actually don’t even need to have an account with Facebook or Twitter!
Everything is set up to where all you have to do is click on this link here – Replay Poker – to go to our Facebook page and the password will always be pinned to the very first post on the top of the page.
Also, in case you guys are like me and find that it helps to be able to visualize things, here’s a screenshot of the current Mega Freeroll schedule. Hopefully that helps some people out!
Thank-you for the information!
Personally I like more freerolls, I just don’t get why they changed it from “on the hour” to 15 minutes earlier. Is there a reason ?
I don’t use social meter either. I use a password to login to REPLAY. Is the other password to keep none FACEBOOK PLAYERS out of Freerolls???
Hi @bluedime,
You don’t need to have a social media account in order to see the Freeroll passwords. All you have to do is click the link button to either the Replay Poker Facebook or Twitter page. A link to Relay’s social media accounts is located at the bottom of each page on the main Replay Poker website as seen in the screenshots below:
The post that contains the Freeroll password will be the first post that is pinned. I hope this is helpful.
It is always good to get a reply. So thank you. May see you on a table. BLUEDIME
Hi, sorry, may i know what is freeroll?
A freeroll is a tournament that doesn’t have an entry fee. It’s free to enter, yet pays out real play chips to the winners! I mean, really, how exciting is that? !!
They are coloured blue in the lobby and start at 45 minutes past the hour.
Cool. Thanks man