Need help with a hand ; new poker player!

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didn’t i have a better full house with the pair of queens ?

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Omaha poker you need to use 2 best cards out of the 4. then you need to use 3 best cards from the community cards.

your best 2 cards are Ace and Queen. best 3 community cards are the Queen and two 10’s .

oppents best two cards are the pocket 4’s and best 3 community cards he used are the 3 10’s

all said and done you had 2 pairs Queens and 10’s. opponent had the fullhouse

Omaha is confusing to new players. its hard to understand, but when you do, its bit easier to play.


In Omaha H/L, you play best two cards in your hand and best three cards from board. Best high and low hands wins. No low hand possible. Upsman has a pair of 4’s for a boat. Your best is AsQd for two pair 10’s and Q’s.

I hope this helps.

Edit: Sorry @wildpokerdude seems I was typing reply at same time with same answer.


another thing to point out. your best 2 cards out of can change .
lets use Ace of diamond and Ace of clubs. Queen of spade and King of Spade. your hand look like this AAKQ
so preflop the 2 aces. are your best 2 cards.

flop comes Ace of spade. 6 of club 7 of spade.

on flop you have 3 of a kind Aces, but now you also have a nut flush draw with a Q and K

turn card is 4 of heart.
again best hand for you is 3 of a kind Aces, along with the nut flush draw.
hand be AAA76

river card is 2 of spade.
now your two best cards have changed. you’re not gonna use the two Aces. you now gonna use the Q and K as the two best cards from your hand and the 3 spades on the board/table/community to form your flush.
so now your final had be Q,K, A, 7, 2 of spades

this may sound confusing, but just read about the rules of Omaha and more you play, the more you’ll start to understand. if you are unsure of your hand look right above the flop cards, it will tell you what type of hand you have. or post the hand in a thread if you’re still unsure and posters will help you out best they can.

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In Omaha, you usually have to use both, any 2 cards, of the 4 card hand your dealt. A exception is if you have a A, and trips Aces, quad Aces, then in that exception, can use 1 card the Ace. In the hand you posted your Q does not play, make the full house, because your only using the Q and have to use any 2 cards out of your 4 card starting hand. The other player had 44, as any 2 cards of 4 card starting hand, that made a full house. Had you had 55+ in your 4 card starting hand, you would have won.

Hope that helps you understand.

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thank you !!

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Thanks a lot !

If your new to poker-maybe start off with playing hold-em as you get 2 use all the cards-just a suggestion-good luck.

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This is "NEWS" to me. I’ve never heard of this exception for Omaha. Can someone verify this exception?


I’ve never heard of that either, however we may be misunderstanding the intended satement. @Asuronetorius please expand on the exception for us.

@Asuronetorius is right in concept, but the way he said it is misleading.

You don’t actually get to use only 1 card at any time, it’s just that the 2nd card may be irrelevant.

i.e. board comes AAAJ8 and we have A234, we play A4 for AAAA4 but of course we have the nuts and cannot lose so the “4” is meaningless.

Yeah, I guess it was worded incorrectly. Your reply still uses 2 cards from your hand and 3 from the board as usual. I guess I was confused by the word exception.


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I think this whole thread is confusingly worded, and some of it is just plain wrong. Saying that you play your two best and the best three from the board is misleading, and you and @wildpokerdude have actually arrived at an incorrect reading of what hero’s hand is.

@Hamidel69 The simpler way of stating this is that in Omaha your hand is the best possible 5 card hand you can make using exactly 2 hole cards. Your hand here is actually AQTTT, not AQQTT.

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You’re correct AQTTT will beat AQQTT.


Bottom line for Omaha, a player MUST use 3 and ONLY 3 of the board cards, with their best two hole cards to go with, perhaps only needed one of those two.
One thing I’m confused on with Omaha HI/LO is, can a player use two different hole cards for the high pot and the low pot separately and still possibly win both?

Extending my question about Omaha HI/LO, can a player use two different hole cards AND three different board cards for the high and low pot separately to potentially win both pots?

Yes, they’re independent. It’s the best 5 cards hand you can make using exactly 2 of your hole cards for the HI, and the lowest 5 card hand you can make using exactly 2 of your hole cards for the LO. Which cards for each are used doesn’t matter.


Thank you lihiue for the help :slight_smile:

If the board is AAA9T, and you have AKQJ as your starting hand, you win unless up against Straight flush, Royal Flush. In this example, the KEY SINGLE CARD ACE PLAYS, WINS.

Usually have to have 2 KEY CARDS that BOTH PLAY, WIN TOGETHER,in order to win. That’s why the SINGLE Q, did not make a full house to win. The Single Key Card exception, of having 1 Single Key Card hitting, trips, quads to win, is a exception to the needing 2 Key Cards Together that win, play together to win. Usually you need a pocket pair, or KQ or AK or any 2 cards combined together that win, to win, instead of any single key card, whether a 4 or a 8 or a A, etc, that hit 44 or 88 or AA on board for Trips, that hit 444 or 888 or AAA on board for quads to win.

I have both won and lost many hands here at Replay, at Full Tilt, At Poker Stars, where the winning hand was something like 222xx board, and KQJ2 starting hand, or 22xxx board, KQJ2 starting hand.

It may not be the correct terminology, but your basically winning with 1 single key card that makes trips, quads, as a the exception to where you usually, almost always need 2 any 2 key cards both working together, like AK22, where the 22 makes a full house on 23454 board.

The concept, exception, was, is a true concept, exception.

Not really, no. And “1 single key card that makes trips” is just wrong. The second card is only irrelevant when there’s trips on board and you make quads. In any case, the second hole card not changing the relative strength of your hand does is not an exception to the rule of always having to use exactly 2 hole cards and 3 community cards.

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