I lied in Cali back in the 90’s and we never had wildfires like this. This is so tragic and my prayers go out to all impacted by this disaster.
I lived in California for many years and wildfires were not uncommon. I was a volunteer responder to the Oakland Hills fires back in the 90s and this fire outside my old college and these fires are very similar. Fast moving and destructive in a densely populated area so they affect so many people. It is heartbreaking not the stuff or house etc, it is the memories and the irreplaceable items that was suddenly gone forever.
I have never seen anything this bad in my life. We have been through multiple hurricanes since we live on the Texas coast, but they pale in comparison to the damage I am seeing from these fires. So many beautiful places are just leveled to ash. Malibu, homes up and down the Pacific Coast Highway. Such a beautiful drive we made many times is no longer beautiful.
I posted this subject figuring that some members in here might have their own story who live in California. FEMA needs to get in there days ago but of course they are dragging there feet like they did with the hurricanes that hit the east coast. Its totally unacceptable in my opinion.
Anyway…my wife and I will continue to pray for all those impacted by these fires. Its not over yet and won’t be for quite some time.
its like a hurricane without the water
Not a good comparison. Although they certainly had hurricane force winds. With a hurricane, you have time to prep for it. and unless you are in a flood zone you won’t lose your home. Not the case in Cali.
Now they are dealing with looters going through all the burned down houses. Sad world we live in.