Low ranking players

What gets me are these low ranking players who have over 100 million chips, playing medium stakes. Like what gives…Why? Cant play high stakes, or just padding the chip count?
As I increase my chip count, I never do it by playing low stakes, I continue to move up in stakes. Thinking maybe they really are not good enough to play where they should be playing, and scared to lose chips.
Any thoughts?

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I understand your point of view.

My thought is if a player who has 100M + in the bank decides to play low stakes, there is a reason.

Say a player wants to get a few hands in, knows his time is limited, and cannot finish the tournament.

It’s logical to enter a low stakes tournament.

Maybe the player wants to try out a new strategy.

Maybe he has a friend that he wants to play against that happens to be a low stakes player.

I’m sure there are more scenarios that play out in low stakes.

One more that I can think of is maybe the player had 500M the day before and now 100M.

He just wants a break from the higher stakes.

Most every player reaches a wall at some point and encounters another player that’s better.

Their bank takes a hit. I doubt that they were scared to lose those chips.

If lost, confidence can be regained at the lower levels.

I noticed a player buying over 100M+ chips during the course of the year who is a low stakes player.

Just because it makes them happy. You look at their best hands in their history and you’d be shocked

how low it is.

Bottom line is some players don’t think the same as most others.

They have different goals and reasons why they are here.

My final thought is don’t let something you have no control over get you!


maybe you just want to enjoy a game with friends


I don’t have quite that many chips but I can give you a little perspective. I like playing in tournaments with large fields and good skill levels. The medium stakes tournaments hit that combo best particularly the Region MTTs and the Gemstone MTTs. That is also why I really enjoy playing in the marathons. Playing against 182 players is more dynamic, fun, and rewarding than playing against 20 (unless you are in a league with a bunch of great friends - Cough cough Nordic Warriors :slight_smile: ). The chips aren’t a big motivator one way or the other.


i am add, i just crave action.sometimes my favorite games are not running.


It is much more Challenging to put a win on the board against a 180 - 220 player field. All reasons above also could be why players, play med. stake tourneys.


Why does it matter to you? I play for the fun of it wherever I so choose, as I imagine a lot of others do. After all, it’s not “real” poker & the chips are free. Play where they should be playing? Says who? You? Is there a rule? Some people don’t care about “moving up in stakes”. You sound insecure, IMO. Or, maybe you’re just angry that they’re taking your chips?


Since player’s ranks are determined solely by their chip count, it doesn’t make sense for someone to be “Low-ranked” if they have 100 Million Chips. That’s very high ranked if anything.

Only thing I can think of is maybe they don’t wish to sit at a table with a ridiculous buy-in amount or register for big tournaments with expensive buy-ins.

I only been here 2 years next month, about 30 million chips, i play 1-2 or 10-20k, whatever i fancy that day, my chips, earned them and having fun, please do not say where we should play lol:).


Totally agree we play where we feel like it on any particular day…this is still a free country .


Sometimes I like to challenge myself by starting on a Freeroll Satellite for a ticket. Then use it and win some more. Then maybe again, one more time in a 20K or 100K MTT. I would be playing at different levels, starting with free, then low, and so on. :slight_smile:


I can only speak for myself, but once I had won a couple of million chips I completely lost interest in them, in the games I play the highest is 250000 buy in, but I am as happy playing a free roll as the higher buy ins. I also rarely play ring games, but to be fair I wouldn’t dream of going into a very low stakes Omaha ring game (for example) 10-20 etc as it would not feel right and I would have a huge advantage over people maybe just starting out or who have a lot less chips.


HOW, everyone has the same amount of chips for the buy in? I have friends i like to play 2-4 hi-low with, some have 200k, some 40 M, but we all buy in for the same amount, what advantage? just curious

Hi David
Quite simply I can call pretty much anything, I only have to be right one all in bet. When I played for real money tiny stakes, people with vast bankrolls would come and torment us microstakes players, it used to annoy me no end. They were just there for a bit of amusement and made sure we knew it, maybe different if your just playing amongst friends, my comment was based on that, cheers

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I recently became interested in learning a new poker variant. So you might see me on a few freerolls and low buy ins where I’ll be practicing at first. I won’t be there to bully anyone, quite the contrary.


Hi P
Tournaments are a level playing field, that’s why I love them, no advantage for anyone apart from a bit of knowledge and skill, gl with your new variant,:slight_smile:


I consider that freedom to choose and proud of it. This is a great platform that allows us to play any game we want, regardless of our chip count. gl at the tables !


OHHH, i see it, i will ONLY play small cash games online ( awww, i still do not trust computers for my life savings lol ) and we are mostly friends and have fun, but then a person who we know is loaded (see them playing very high cash games) will sit in and basically go all in every hand and lol at us and ruin our games.