"it's all fake, you can't learn anything about real poker here"

I won real money! :smiley:

Haven’t played for $$ online in some years, sticking to Replay and live cash games at casinos. Decided to see what all the ClubWPTGold fuss is about, signed up today and got $2 in bonus cash (I haven’t actually deposited any money).

Wouldn’t you know it? A $2 MTT starts in half an hour. Hmm…

Finished 17th of 753 players, despite being all-in and ahead 5 times and only winning 1 of those. I could have perhaps placed higher, but I had a Zoom interview and had to just blind out at the end.

Small stakes to be sure, but fears that “online is full of killers even at the micros” seem so far greatly exaggerated! I identified many mistakes by other players, and the fundamental theory/strategy knowledge I’ve refined over the past year of playing and talking shop here at Replay definitely came in handy.

Now to grow that bankroll… :wink:


Younguru, overall in theory, they are better players, better fields then back in the golden age boom of online poker. Today they study more, have, use solvers, Pokertracker, Huds, etc, more, get coached more, etc.

But the reason the games are still beatable at the micros, lower stakes, mid stakes, and even between mid stakes and semi high stakes, is that 1. They have informational overload, study too much. 2. They are not going to the more right, best sources. 3. They are not correctly applying what they have read, seen, been coached, etc. 4. They do not have enough discipline, patience. 5. They too easily get tilted. 6. They play while tilted too often. 7. They do not have good bankroll management and good chip stack management.

A semi bad, below average semi fish, semi Donk player that does not have enough patience, discipline, that has poor bankroll management, and chip stack management, that gets tilted easily, plays while tilted too much, does not understand, or correctly apply good poker study material, such players when they get coached by a good coach, and studies good poker material, etc, often stay, remain, bad players, even tho they know more, are better informed, use solvers, Huds, etc.

And they are do just barely good enough at the lower stakes that when they move up, while they don’t get crushed, they still are losing players over the long term when they move up stakes.

And thats why it’s still profitable, can be profitable for semi good, to good, to semi great players to do well, in online poker.

Even slightly above average regs, semi regs, semi winning semi recreational players can be profitable at the micros, lower stakes, etc.

Pokerstars is probably a poker client you want to avoid Younguru, unless except at micro stakes, as Pokerstars is ABSOLUTELY FILLED with Sharks, great players, semi pros, etc, once you get to, between low to semi mid stakes or higher.

Bad players, fish, Donks, Whales, losing Recreational players, etc, sjould probably avoid most online poker sites, except maybe Ignition Poker, as that site is extremely SOFT.


thanks bud, I was not asking :joy: preciate the Ignition rec tho

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Congrats my dude! love seeing people winning money in poker,
Yeah man Poker will never be dead, probably the people who say you can’t learn from play money are maybe talking about how you can pick up bad habits if you are not well studied.
Which is true in my opinion.

Time to crush those fishes!

Btw is 1 sweep coin a 1 dollar? and how do you even cash it? is it like what they do in Japan where you buy prizes with sweep coins to circumvent the law? I appreciate any answer mate.


Yeah it’s 1:1 on the sweep coin currency. You can withdraw directly to your debit card. Yes, it’s “sweepstakes” model (one of the “prizes” is $1 which costs 1 SC, lol)

The games are REALLY soft right now. I lost $5 playing ring earlier but I only played like 100 hands. Someone from Reddit bought in $50 and already withdrew $1000 lmao


it looks like it is going to be like 2003-2009 again cuz I just saw that they are allowed to operate in a lot of states. the games are going to be soft lmao


bruh getting 17th out of 750 was literally easier than final tabling a 5M replay tournament

people are cold calling UTG raises with Q8s


I was messing around on the site earlier today. I already had an account but have never actually played there before. The SC free rolls and the GC (gold coin, ie play money) tables I messed around on so far are unbelievably soft.
I’ve yet to find a table where everyone didn’t have a VPIP north of 50%, and it’s normally way over that. They’re straddle and ante tables, but still, I don’t remember ever playing in a softer game.
I’m sure there’s probably some competent players in the sweepstakes games, but I’d guess there must be a decent amount of the totally clueless players in there too.


Oh my god yall are making me want to join that site.
Did you just assume their VPIP by just looking at their frequencies or does the site provide stats like GGpoker does?

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Good job-now use that money n get a haircut:)

It provides them. I’m not really sure how accurate they are, but honestly you don’t need the stats to tell you how wide people are. You’ll figure it out within an orbit.
There seem to be 2 sweepstake freerolls every day, and you get awarded a fraction of a SC for logging in, so with a bit of luck you could build a bankroll without ever having to deposit anything.
It doesn’t look like there are any high stakes games, or even mid stakes really, so I don’t think you’re ever going to win a fortune here, but there’s a 10K guaranteed tournament.


I really appreciate the info bro!
I guess they are waiting until more players join before providing higher stakes. I’m going to check it out.

Its too bad ClubWPT doesn’t let WA state players like me play on their client. But as soon as I move to Apache Junction Arizona on Feb 10th, then I will be able to finally play on ClubWPT, etc.


@Asuronetorius I think your play style would do really well against this field

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Thanks Younguru. I agree with you since I played for real money at PokerStars, and was successful at micros, low stakes, mid stakes, up to about $17 Tournament, sit n go buy ins, until Black Friday Shut down Stars in 2011.

I am a player that capitalizes on other players mistakes, as an opportunist. If they too tight, passive I bluff more in good selective spots. If they call stations, I bluff less, take them to value town. If they overvalue hands I take them to Value town. If they too loose hyper aggressive, maniacs, I limp trap, slowplay in good spots, take them to value town, be more selective, semi tighter, then occasionally fight back, fight fire with fire selectively, call down lighter, etc.

I play semi selective to semi tight to semi moderate to semi aggressive in good spots and play looser in late position, tighter in UTG, early position, and play late position is everything positional poker, and play a mix of semi GTO and exploitative poker, and adapt, switch gears, and semi bluff to bluff about 10% to 35% of time in good spots depending on players, situations, etc.

That play style does well except at the very highest pro stakes.

So yeah my play style would probably do well at ClubWPT.com, WSOP.com, Ignition Poker.

I would probably get owned, dominated, unless got lucky, by the higher stakes at Pokerstars, as Pokerstars is filled with sharks, pros, etc.

The highest level I ever played at, and did surprisingly well, is the coach I had staked me the $50 to play in the WSCOOP(World Series of Online Poker), at, hosted by Pokerstars. I got coolerized, trainwrecked knocked out as the bubble boy 1 spot shy of a piece of the about 500k prize pool.

So maybe I don’t give myself enough credit. But things are a lot tougher now, then back then, now at Pokerstars.

Also its easier to play the way I do in, at freerolls, play chips, then when it’s for real money.

I try to play how I used too back in real money days and try to play like I think I would if real money were at stake, but real money is just different, harder then play chips.

So altho I think I would, will be just fine at real money online poker, the proof is in the pudding, and won’t truly know until I start playing real money online poker again.

So we will see lol.

Thanks for your vote of confidence in me Younguru.

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Totally agree with Pokerstars, there is not fish enough to this is ok to win, even in small stakes, micro you might be +EV but else impossible if youre not very, very good. In Europe, the only nationallity who plays in PS is guys who dont had other site allowed.

  • Totally agree with our stuff, that stay fish even in online, when i play CG i leave the tables if there is not at least 2 fish out of a 5handed table. I think thats stay a luck because i am french and poker is really seeing as a gambling game, but i am not surprised that they stay a lot of fish at micro

But you stay had to know a bit how to play against ok players because else you cant win, because ok you take money from fish but you give at regs, but the big dev of hand review is very good for this.


I’ve played on the ClubWPT did you know you can fill out a little card and play for free, for money, a room mate showed me how and you mail it. Think I won about 70 bucks playing while I was unemployed. There was like 300 to 450 players all playing for a 10 dollar 1st place. I stopped playing when I started working again… The room mate who told me about it, couldn’t believe I was winning the money games…

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Yeah they give you spare change every time you log in, actually! If you log in every day for a week, you basically get $2 for free.


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Younguru, i KNEW you were a poker genius:)-now don’t spend all your winnings foolishly:).

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