Anyone interested in asking management to install voice chat capability at the tables instead of just texting? In my opinion the ability to listen to your opponent’s voice would offer ‘tells’, friendly live conversations and help with the frustration of trying to type something and watch the action at the same time. Please advise if this a good or bad idea. The mute button could still be used for offenders so I can’t really see a downside. If this interests you, try and drum up support and let Replay know! Thank you and good luck on the tables…
- Yes, I would love voice chat
- No, I don’t like the idea
- i don’t care one way or the other
0 voters
Interested but heck we can’t even get emotes here lol
This is just my opinion with typed chat we have a record of what is said and can moderate the offenders of Replay’s chat policy.
That’s exactly what I was thinking brother
I vote no and this is why…fear that the next thing you know replay will want to see me on zoom in my bathrobe and rollers
Thank you for setting up the formal poll…
From the options a few of them work. The only reliable way is to cut and pastes them from other sources and storing them on your desktop…
If someone gets stupid each of us has the immediate ability to stifle the offender by simply crossing out their chat icon…
Too bad you deleted your comment. I would have liked to have seen it…
To oppose is definitely your right but please do it for the right reasons…
She gave you her reason and it was HILARIOUS
LOL Love it Reddy. Agree!
I don’t need voice chat to want to see you all on Zoom in bathrobes. Just sayin’.
All the voice conferences I did for work during the lockdowns makes me not interested. Being in a call with a dozen or so people incessantly saying things like “Hello? Hello?” “Can you hear me?” “Oh sorry I was on mute.” Don’t want to relive this.
I don’t see the need for voice chat but I do see the need for emoji’s. Cut down on all that needless typing and reading and more attention on the table besides the fact that you really can’t get to angry or get yourself in trouble with Replay for posting an emoji of a jackass. ( donkey ) .
I would much prefer a “Boot Button” for serial “All Inners” I am tired of having a nice intellectual poker game spoiled by stupid chancers. Maybe 3 strikes from different players and your Booted!
I have just been playing a MTT, and one of the players there suggested that instead of a notice saying “are you sure you want to fold” they would love one which said “are you sure you want to make that bet!”
Every person on the table agreed!
Hahahahahaha, that was great
If we could link that to a breathalyser you’d have a guaranteed winner lol
Kind regards,