If you cant beat them

what is your strategy against players you just cant seem to beat? do you avoid them or go right at them?


Depends on how they are beating me? Are the outplaying me or are they outdrawing me. If they are outplaying me, I’ll watch them and see if I can pick up on any tendencies and pick my spot carefully when playing a hand with them. If they are outdrawing me, keep after them outdrawing can build up a sense of overconfidence and sooner or later it evens out.


You’re not always playing the player, you are playing the board. Anybody can check, call or shove all-in pre flop with any hand, but the board dictates what happens. I hope that makes sense.


No matter what reasoning you are using to win you have to remember in the end it’s free online video poker so your best bet is if you don’t have a good pair or suited connectors that can make something with on the flop your best bet here is to fold unlike live Casino or Poker rooms where you can read the player with their tells etc.


If you go into a game thinking you just cant beat a player, you have already lost the game. I would suggest never let any player get into the mind to convince you of that. Play the cards dealt to you and on board smart and always consider what can your cards make with the board as a good hand and bet accordingly. GL at the tables:)


I forgot to mention, watch your ROI !!! You don’t want to invest in lousy cards preflop hoping for the “ luck factor “ like most do here.

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Thx so glad you remembered to mention that my friend, great help to all !!!

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What is ROI? I’m assuming it doesn’t stand for Republic Of Iguanas.

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It’s a financial term; Return On Investment (ROI).


Ok, thanks Finnyll.

You all so need a PMA !

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And what is a PMA? Pacific Monkey Alliance?


thanks but it is hard to take you seriously since u pretend to pray to be friends with everyone but you blocked my friend request

you take every chance to disparage replay poker its pathetic


Hey Mr BeerEagle
I think in this instance, the poster means having a “positive.mental attitude”


Thanks Mr. swamptrash. People use too many acronyms, it’s impossible to understand anything sometimes.

Np, ymw, gl, lol :slight_smile:


See, you may as well type in Japanese lol.

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Patience. Look to play more premium hands against them. If you hit the nuts, let them build equity and then let them move first, then act, hoping that they’ll call whatever you do.

I had a few that i had hard against but i kept trying and now no problome,think it much in the head! Look at the play,take notes !

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