ich will gar nicht lange “stören” und habe nur eine kurze Frage zum Event:
Kommen nun die ersten 8 oder die die besten 8 Spiele in die Wertung? Ich bin da etwas verwirrt.
Ich zitiere aus der Beschreibung:
" This is a 20 million chips Leaderboard that will reward the best 8 finishes over the 14 events and pay the Top 50 qualifying players."
Ich lese da nichts von ersten 8 Spiele!! Ich lese da: Die besten 8 von 14 Spielen!!
Diese Beschreibung ist etwas irreführend und ich fände es in der Tat ungerecht, wenn man hier nur die ersten 8 Spiele in die Wertung nimmt. Ich hätte übrigens gar nicht mehr an dem heutigen Turnier teilgenommen, wenn hier nur die “Ersten 8 Spiele in die Wertung kommen”!!!.
Bitte um kurze Stellungnahme/Rückmeldung eines Verantwortlichen.
Vielen Dank im voraus
und allen Mitspielern viel Glück an den Tischen
I don’t want to “disturb” for long and just have a quick question about the event:
Do the first 8 or the best 8 games count? I’m a bit confused there.
I quote from the description:
" This is a 20 million chips leaderboard that will reward the best 8 finishes over the 14 events and pay the Top 50 qualifying players."
I don’t read anything from the first 8 games!! I read there: The best 8 of 14 games!!
This description is a bit misleading and I would indeed find it unfair to only count the first 8 games here. By the way, I wouldn’t have taken part in today’s tournament at all if only the “first 8 games were counted here”!!!.
Please provide a brief statement/feedback from someone responsible.
Thanks in advance
and good luck to all fellow players at the tables
Es steht schon in der Passage die du zitierst: " This is a 20 million chips Leaderboard that will reward the best 8 finishes over the 14 events and pay the Top 50 qualifying players. Note that you only need to play 8 of the events to qualify for the multi-million Leaderboard."
Es geht um die besten 8.
It’s already in the passage you quote: " This is a 20 million chips leaderboard that will reward the best 8 finishes over the 14 events and pay the Top 50 qualifying players. Note that you only need to play 8 of the events to qualify for the multi-million leaderboard."
It’s about the best 8.
Ja eben: Um die Besten 8!!
Nur mein heutiges Ergebnis wurde gar nicht gezählt.
Deswegen bin ich verwirrt. Oder bin ich schlicht doof? 
Yes: To the best 8!!
Only today’s result was not counted.
That’s why I’m confused. Or am I just stupid? 
Meld dich beim Support. Diese Platzierung sollte eigentlich angerechnet werden. Ich kann mir das nur durch einen Fehler im System erklären.
Und Glückwunsch zum Sieg. 
Contact support. This placement should actually be counted. The only way I can explain this is that there is a bug in the system.
And congratulations on the win. 
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Vielen herzlichen Dank.
Many many thanks.
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@Erithacus @Oheim777
I agree the wording is confusing. It seems to me that one could play all 14 tourneys and only the Best 8 of your finishes would count towards the Leaderboard standing.
But, if you look at the Leaderboard listing it appears to count and limits one to the first 8 tourney games played.
Genau deswegen wäre es schön, wenn ein Vertreter von Replay Klarheit in die Angelegenheit bringt. Warum sollte ich weiter spielen (oder andere) wenn man sich in der Rangliste nicht mehr verbessern kann? Ich bitte also noch einmal um Stellungnahme.
That’s exactly why it would be nice if a representative from Replay clarified the matter. Why should I keep playing (or others) when there’s no more progression in the leaderboard? So I ask for your opinion once again.
Hi everyone
To clear up any confusion, I can confirm the Best 8 scores of all the games you play in the Global Poker Tour will count to your score.
If you play a 9th or subsequent game and beat one of your previous top 8 scores, your score will increase by the difference between the new score and your previous 8th best score.
The confusion seems to be the little pie circle in the Leaderboard. When that fills up, it means you have played 8 games. It does not mean your score is final.
Thank you for clearing this up Rob, I will close this thread now.