@Skippywon @ZZ_Tilt
Welcome to the ex-smokers club. You have done it. 2 more success stories. You are now non-smokers. Congratulations and every best wishes to you both. Remember, if you were successful for 1 day, you can be successful every day. The ex-smokers club is growing at an amazing rate cos those of us in it tend to live a lot longer than previously expected but we always love to see new members. lol
ty but I havent quit yet, but trying
two are thee puffs put it out ! Waite as long as you can, use licorice candy it has a smoke flavor and work on urges! The longer you can put off firing up a smoke, the better some quite this way other have to get help, I did chanx works! Cost like month of smokes but in two month you’ll not have buy any of them other than work like the devil to not buy either one, lol! Good luck! Win big with no smoke! Of any type!
Thank you for your comment. I wish you good luck forever …
My first cigarette, stolen from a pack belonging to one of my parents, at 9 years
of age, began a ‘smoking career’ that was to last for 43 years…
I remember thinking 30 years ago or so, “When they get to be a dollar a pack”
(USC) “I’ll quit” - lol… That didn’t happen… The last few years of my “smoking life”
I was between a 3 and 7 PACK A DAY smoker… Fortunately I had a decent
paying job - lol… AND, a patient Doctor! …
However, after a long time on a ‘pill’ prescribed by my doctor, I awakened on
March 19th of 1999 and Knew “Today’s the day”…
Haven’t smoked since… Lost a lot of weight, as well, and now am likely in
the best shape of my life - planning to run a marathon when I hit 100,
which is still roughly 30 years away…
Obviously, I have some ideas for how to help people do the same, but
the first step is you have to have a good reason to want to do something
this difficult…
Most people don’t have one, and that’s why they fail…
Obviously, the ‘expense’ of it didn’t matter… lol…
My answer is ‘hidden’ in my ‘theory’ that says "if you’re 30+ years
of age, and are a smoker - you aren’t ‘fully grown up yet’, and you
won’t be able to find a way to quit until you are done ‘growing up’…
(I don’t care if you don’t like my ‘tone’ - lol - been there/done that - lol…)
When you Know you are ready - it’s very probable you just might
need the assistance of a professional… Get it…
What a wonderful post!!!
Spoken right from the heart. Congrats Brother and thank you for passing your story on so more will live a smoke free life.
God Bless
Thanks much for your kind sentiments, Craig… I could write a book - lol…
I quit smokeing a year ago and put on 25 pounds,lol
“The rest of the story” for me includes a gain of a serious amount of weight.
but it doesn’t and didn’t end there… Shouldn’t for you either…
No reason you have to accept and get accustomed to the weight gain, truth
be told that weight is likely as harmful to you as the smoking was, so you should
‘deal with it’…
Fact is, I eventually needed to lose ’ a whole person ’ - and, I’m still probably
the better part of 40 pounds from my goal weight… I used “Atkins” to lose the
bulk of the weight I’ve lost so far, but nowadays I rarely eat meat so it’s a ‘slow-go’
at this point…
"Feeling your pain’ doesn’t help you a bit, but you really ought to consider
dealing with it before it really gets out of hand…
thanks for the input been handling it pretty good .walking every morning and cutting back on thecarbs and soda, big difference, smoked menthols for 45 years,60 years old now would like to enjoy a few more years,drop aline and let us know how your doing, take care loenzo57
I’m trying to quit I’m on the patches they help but I’m having the crazest dreams
Same thing for my daughter so her Dr recommend a pill. Don’t know if I can say the name here but crazy dreams also.
Best of luck.
I was smoking between 50 and 75 per day when I stopped cold turkey in 1987. for the first 6 months I would follow anyone down the a street just to get a whiff of second hand smoke. 30 years later and apart from one drag (which had me spitting for 2 hours afterwards) I am still cigarette free. Best thing I ever did.
the best thing to do is cold turkey, I smoked for 45 years,tried the patches and pills,no good,one day I just said enough is enough, I started to smoke less each day, iworked myself down from a pack a day to one cig. a day, and finally I through that last cig. away, its been close to a year and ahalf now, don’t get me wrong once in a blue moon ill get an urge, I live lasvegas and the casinos are filled with smokers as you , sometimes I enjoy the smell, lol, have anice day everone lorenzo57
I like your way of thinking.
4 weeks…
Congrats. Not an easy task…
Way to go!!! You’re probably already feeling better; sleeping better; no doubt smell better and perhaps are tasting better. Last, not least, you’re a bit richer from not spending on that any more!
Keep up the good effort!
You got that right Ron. They cost a fortune. In My state of Rhode Island a pack of cigarettes will set you back $10. At the airport they are $15 a pack .
Based on $10 a pack , a pack a day smoker will spend $3650 a year on those cancer sticks.
2 packs a day is half the cost of a nice new car.
Based on an MSRP of $15,000 lol
Tough it out Chris… I was on the patch at one point, can’t recall how much
help it was, BUT (lol?) I DO recall smoking WHILE wearing patches…
So… I doubt it helped me…
Bottom line is ‘whatever it takes’ to disconnect from the addiction…
Also, recognize that it is likely that ‘addiction’ isn’t just to the nicotine…