HTML5 Table Feedback

Now that all of our tables have been converted, it’s time to retire this thread. But we still need your feedback as much as ever!

Because this thread has gotten quite sizable and much of the information is obsolete, I’m closing this one and creating two new ones:

Bug Reports & Performance Issues

This thread is specifically for reporting any issues you encounter at the tables or the site. Rebalancing too quickly to see a hand, a full house hand strength reading incorrectly, or seeing extra cards on the table are all examples of items that would fit here.

Poker Table Feature Requests

This thread is for suggestions you’d like us to implement at the tables themselves. Examples of posts that go here would be color or font changes, being able to friend other players more easily, or customizable card backs.

All other requests can be posted as a new thread in the Suggestions & Feedback category – or better yet, do a quick search to see if someone has already suggested your idea and chime in as a reply. This includes questions about tournament structure, adding or changing tournaments or tables, site improvements as a whole, new game formats, etc.

You do NOT need to repost anything you have already shared on the forum already. We have compiled the suggestions, and we have a list of reported bugs.

Thanks to all of you for helping us make so much progress. I hope you’ll continue to share your thoughts so we can make Replay the best it can be.