How to Get 1 Billion Chips


@Asuronetorius @quote=“Asuronetorius, post:42, topic:48177”]
Does Replay just keep the account open with, the billions in it?

I’m just going from memory but a few years ago RP made a change and started purging accounts if they were inactive for a certain period of time which i think is around 1 year. Before this, I didn’t recall any purging. At the time there were over 1.5 million registered and after this, it went down to around 300k.

Depending on where you rank it will go up after the purge. Your account isn’t deleted just de-activated, so if you decide to return your chip count is re-instated and your ranking. is assigned appropriately.

If someone else remembers it differently maybe then they can add and correct my recollection.

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of course none of it “means” anything. we all play for different reasons; this is one of the goals I set for myself this year :slight_smile:

Just won the High Roller Open. 18 for 18, streak still live :sunglasses:

Had 2 spots where I followed GTO/solver line instead of exploit folding and open/called all-in when behind (and fairly sure I would be behind); spiked both runouts to stay alive. Yay computers!

EDIT: Just won Ruthie’s Round Up PKO. 19 for 18.

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If you send me your transactions I can compile some statistics on them. Here’s what I have.

@_snowman if you scroll up, @Pos111 and I both posted some stats already :smiley: Nice to see yours, crusher!

Won Frozen Comet 1M MTT. 20 wins in 20 days. Sadly couldn’t book a win yesterday; best finish was 2nd. No consecutive days streak anymore but still on pace to finish the month averaging 1 win/day.


Wonder if you will start the 30/30 club or if anyone else is in the 20/20 club. Either way it is awesome. How long was your consecutive days streak? You just said you won 17 in 17 days when we started keeping count.

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Don’t lose sleep over the slippage.

Even Michael Jordan won 6 of 7 championships.

He’s still Michael Jordan and you’re still the Younguru.




  1. the action or process of something slipping or subsiding;
  2. failure to meet a standard or deadline
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@southwestmba streak ended at 18 days
Definitely curious if anyone else has done better than 20/20, somehow I kinda bet they have but not everyone yells about everything they do on the forum like me lol

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Won 250k Against All Odds

21 wins in 21 days :slight_smile:

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Won 100k Replay Challenge. 22 for 22.

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0fer yesterday :confused:
But made up with back-to-back wins so far today!
24 of 24, back on pace to average 1 win/day for all of August

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Is this the record? This has gotta be close to the record right

Won 100k Morcosborcos’ Kindness

3 wins today! :smiley:

25 wins in 24 days

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I don’t know if it’s a record because of the number of great players that have come and gone since this site’s inception. Only Replay would be able to pull all that data, if they still store it. I do know it’s a very good run, and something you should be proud of. You have one week left to break the win per quarter record in the Nordic Warriors, that record has stood for a bit. good luck

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doesn’t really matter anyway, the point is just to motivate myself :slight_smile:

thx for the encouragement Michael!

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0fer again yesterday :confused:
Won 500k War Chest today tho :slight_smile:

26 wins in 26 days


Won 1M Supernova :smiley:

27 wins in 28 days… gonna need a 2fer to pull this off :confused:


Won Thor’s Hammer in Nordic Warriors League

Frustrating 2nd place finish in Half Mill Thrill yesterday, as final hand was QQ < 89o with level stacks. The variance monster comes for us all…

28 wins in 31 days. 3 more this evening? I don’t even think I’ll play 3 more. But it was fun trying for 1/day average and I came pretty close :smiley:

Will try again in 10 years the next time I get a streak this good…

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Amazing month 28 wins in 31 days is still a feat worth celebrating. So what was your net winnings for this hot streak?

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