I often makes notes and almost everybody has one, mine let me know who is a bluffer, who is rude, who has no manners, who is a bully, who is a nice player ( i have many of those notes) and i make a note if they are in my friends list because many times i am not sure when i don’t see some players all that often. Notes are very handy and i read them as soon as i see a player with one on their name.
Players change behavior over time, and good players play very differently depending on the situation.
I remember player’s names, and whether they’re good or annoying or whatever. Most players I do not worry about, I can beat them without needing an edge over them. I just have to play the cards I’m dealt.
During a game, though, I keep mental notes on players, and observe whether they are shoving a lot of junk, if they can fold a hand, if they like to raise, if they like to c-bet, if they like to bet pot from position to no action, etc. and look for an opportunity to take advantage of this.
After the game ends, the player may change strategy, or learn, and then my old notes on them are no good anymore, and can in fact hurt me.
On the new tables, this is a feature. When you mouse over another player’s image, either one or two small indicators may show up, the bottom one is for notes, the top one indicates your friend. If you have no note and the player isn’t your friend, no little mark will show. To test this, visit a “new table” and hover your mouse cursor over a player you recognize.
This is a good question. I use notes most often in two specific instances. If I observe that someone pretty much always has the good cards when betting big, I make a note of that: “Trust the big bets.” If I am fortunate to see the cards when a person bluffs, I make a note of that, too: “Bluffer?” Puggywug is right that player behavior changes from game to game, but I date my notes so I can be aware of WHEN I made it.
My Wife uses a Letter system that We tweaked to be simple… If they don’t chat- X. Friend -F. Bluff- B. Raiser -R. etc… I also track any dislikes of a Player. ZZZ- Only fast play will do… etc. I wish the System We have now was kept and were also able to insert one or two Numbers or letters into the note box onscreen.
You need to make your OWN notes on the players. Just click a player, then click notes and type it in. Then scroll over the player’s image and the little indicator will be there. If you haven’t typed any notes in, it can’t show you what you haven’t written. The “old” system was to select a player, click notes, type it in, and a little note card would show near their name. The card won’t show on the new tables, but the note is still there.