How do you interpret the statistics page? What stats are ideal? Thanks! Love the site,learning alot

How do you interpret the statistics page? What stats are ideal? Thanks! Love the site,learning alot…

Hands folded: (total) Pre flop

Only pre flop

At flop

only at flop, as flop count as 100% And so on.

You could watch yourself, your progress, or if something need to change your play stile. Say you play 9 seated rooms only, then in avarege you should won 11% of the pots. Of course, if you look for big pots only, you could win 1-2 game in the whole night, oposit to the person who win every second game. You may end up more chips with 1% won pot then the other who have won 50% of the pots.

Mine was 36%

now only 18%, I fold more now, as you see my winning rate dropped.

So, basically no such thing in poker stats as ideal. In poker, the main thing to win as much as possible. At all cost. The ideal if you get up from the table with more chips :slight_smile: