How can you remove unwanted friends request and taking your name off their friends list?

having a person adding you as a friend that you don’t want to be on their friends list but yet you cant remove yourself off their list.

The friend list under work, the option will be in place to “accept” the friend request or not.


ok Thank You !

Happy about the answer cant wait for it to happen !

How do we remove the ones who already added us as friends ?

I think you have to accept thet too, othervise will be deleted auto from the list. May some time frame will be involved with thet, not sure, thets my guest only. The IT very busy right now , I think still 1-2 month untill this done from now


Marcipan is correct, we’re moving to an accept/reject system, which gives you control as to who can add you as a friend. I don’t have an ETA though, it may be only early next year before we get it live.