I have had a fair amount of success on final tables and have won many MTTs on RP.
Let me say first of all that you cannot win a tournament without a certain amount of luck. At some point you are going to be all in and you are going to be called and you are going to win the pot.
Having said that the knack of winning tournaments on the final table is usually to play as few hands as possible and let your opponents make mistakes and knock themselves out.
The hands that you do play it is much better to be the first into the pot with a raise, because you have a good chance to take down the pot without seeing a flop.
You should avoid calling other people’s raises unless your hand is so strong that you cannot fold it. If you are calling a raise from out of position, you will need to be prepared to shove the flop. If you are in position, you are likely to face a shove from your opponent on the flop.
You need high pocket pairs and very high cards.
Suited connectors are not much use in the latest stages of tournaments, because there is not likely to be much post flop play that is not for full stacks.
You will not be playing many multiway pots, but sometimes you can see pots cheaply from the blinds if opponents limp in, but do not waste chips playing complete garbage from the small blind. If the player in dealer position limps in it is often better to fold your small blind and let the dealer and the big blind destroy each other.
Sometimes you will get good cards and it will seem easy on the final table. Other times you will pick up absolute junk, in which case at some point you will just have to pick your spot and go for it. In such cases it is better to use hands that are probably not dominated. For example 54 will do better against opponent’s AK than a dominated hand like A9 or KJ.
When you get to heads-up, you need to be very aggressive preflop with all kinds of hands, but also try to trap your opponent to get his whole stack. For example you might limp in with AA and your opponent shoves, whereas if you raise pre-flop with AA, you might only win the blinds and lose the opportunity to win the tournament. Or if you flop a set, you might check it right down to the river.
Good luck