How about a table where the winner’s hand is always shown?
hahahha ur a loser u need a losers table whaaaaaaaa
J how did a bee get in your panties!!!
Thanks for the suggestion nonotme - do you mean a table where only the winners of tournaments can play? Or were you thinking of something else?
This would be where the winning hand is shown to those at the table.
Okay great - now I understand. I’ve updated the original idea title to make it clearer. Would be interesting to know if other think this is a good idea. If you do vote this idea up!
Okay great - now I understand. I’ve updated the original idea title to make it clearer. Would be interesting to know if other think this is a good idea. If you do vote this idea up!
I don’t think this is a very good idea. If you want to see the winning hand pay the price, otherwise this would cut into a players ability to bluff, because you would eventually learn a player that likes to bluff. This is poker either bet or fold and move on. Just my opinion.
That wouldn’t really be poker. In poker, if you want to see another player’s hand, you call his bet. If you don’t call, you don’t see.
I agree you should have to call to see winner’s hand.
However, for some reason the winner can’t see the hands that were beaten.
Whom ever calls the final bet, all hands should be shown. Don’t understand why the winner is the only one that has to show their hand.
Please make this change.
According the poker rules, even if you call, or you are the raise, if you loose, if you are the second in the show, you got the privilege off fold without show beaten cards. Winner dont need to see the others hand , he/she is the winner. Poker not about cards in the first place, the only porpuse win, in all cost, the chips. Dos not metter if you loose 100 hand if you win only one big pot and leave the table with the chips. This rule never going to change, even a million people ask for it, becose thets cannot called poker then. Thets not even on topic.
This topic about only selected rooms , winner hand allways show, even if all fold, before flop, before turn or river or after.
As far as I’m aware most real money online poker sites like stars let you view the muck cards on the hand history/replay, if you participated in the showdown. So that’s something we don’t currently do, but probably we’ll want to add - since you’re right to say that those player have the right to ask to see the mucked cards.
In the Robert’s Rules of Poker, the winner of a show down can request to see a mucked/losing hand, but it is a privilege intended to be used only occasionally. The winner should never be forced to show his hand if he wasn’t called down.
That’s also correct Alaskan99752. It appears this topic need a bit more thought as to how best to keep true to the spirit of the rules of poker, when played online.
Alaskan99752, do you have any suggestions on how we could do this?