HORSE poker game

Hi all you lovely poker people
I’m quite new to the site, and very much liking it, ty. I loved playing the HORSE multi poker game in the distant past and which is in my minor opinion its the best and final judge of poker skill :wink:
Any chance if the software allows could a multi poker tournament game similar be added to the mix.
Just a thought
GL at the tables


Hi, swamptrash.

I too, like the game of H.O.R.S.E.

You can’t be a true “Rounder” if you don’t like a game of Horse.

They are just so hard to find in a cardroom anymore.

One reason is that, at least on Native American Casinos, they must ask for, and get, written permission and then get written acceptance from the state gaming commission before they can spread the game in their casino. I have heard that is the reason for why they are not, as yet, spreading poker tournaments in the new Desert Diamond Casino in Phoenix, AZ. In all the excitement of opening up their new casino, they forgot to submit the proper paperwork to be allowed to offer poker tournaments to the players.
Just a rumor, but it sounds like a good one.

Not like the good old days.
That is one of the reasons that I like to take a one-week vacation on Card Player Cruises now and again. You just ask for any game to be posted on the board and once you get enough interest, they just start the game.
I play Horse on every Card Player Poker Cruise that I am on.

Good luck playing. (I am so grateful for spellcheck. :blush:)

Happy Holidays, David


Welcome to the Replay Poker Community Forums, swamptrash. Good to have you here and lovely to get this suggestion. I am quite sure it’s been requested before. I promise to bring it up at the next Volunteers meeting, too. Meanwhile, good luck at the tables and have fun. Thanks for being an active member of our community.


Ooooh, Ace, I am so very tempted to take a Card Player Poker Cruise. I have stood on the sidelines on cruises where Texas Hold’em is being played and have never had the courage to join the fun. You have inspired me. If I manage to cruise again one of these days, I’ll look for a Card Player Poker Cruise. I’ll probably be crushed at the tables, but it would be great fun.


Just googel it,sounds fun!!!

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Thanks for the kind words folks, a poker cruise sounds like fun, nothing like that here in Scotland. Take care and good luck at all the tables.


Great game Johan but you have to master all 5 games. Much fun.

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Hi, JanCee.

They will even start every cruise with a free poker teaching table on the first morning of each and every cruise.

There is a free cocktail mingle party the first night of each cruise where they will give full details on how to get to the poker room and find the beginners learning table. On the first morning of each cruise there is a table full of beginners, who you will start a couple of hours with, learning the poker basics with, along with a cocktail girl, and a very patient, experienced, poker dealer, who has answered beginner’s questions for years and years. I do not believe that there is any silly question that she has not been asked yet, included the question about where you find the elevator that runs from the front of the ship to the back of the ship to make it quicker to get to the classes each day. The beginner classes are free, and they always offer the lowest level possible of a game of real poker each day to those who are eager to take the plunge after the training session. You have no obligation to play.
I swear, more laugher comes from that table each day then from all of the other tables combined. Some people take to it like baby ducks to water. Some players decide to play, some don’t, and some you cannot pry away from it for the week. Some players exchange email or phone numbers ang begin making plans for their next cruise together.
Your husband may also come if you want him to.

If you have any questions, always feel free to ask.
Linda Johnson at Card Player Magazine is also always available to ask any questions you may feel inhibited to ask a member of the opposite sex. Also remember to ask her about your $50 discount on your first cruise with them.

Different cruises have different ports of call, different cultures, so feel free to ask about anything.

Happy Holidays, David


A challenge is good,but i need to be a good poker player firts!! Fight i can do and not give up!!


We learn from our mistakes and experience is the best teacher. I have no doubt you will be successful in this game HORSE :+1:t2:


Sign me up.


would like to play Horse

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Might want to check out New League based on Horse concept using Replay established games


Yes Yes Fun Fun

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Yes please add RAZZ, I would love to learn it, and play it.

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Actually, it’s a great idea to play HORSE here on Replay. First of all, it wouldn’t cost any real money, and most importantly, it would provide a nice opportunity for the members to improve their game not only in Holdem, but in different formats and styles of poker.
Looking forward to participate…


I noticed you’re a new member to Replay.

FYI, Replay holds an annual Tournament called RPOS around August or September offering most if not all of these games with a chance to compete in a Final game of Hold’em. They offer a number of ways to Qualify. You just have to win one of the preliminary Tourneys.

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