I hope one of you-all can answer this…
First of all, it is of no consequence in this instance as 1st and 2nd place got the same payout but I am curious as to how this works.
The situation: Hand #1090076052 Stairway to 1 million s-n-g. Three players left. Low stack all in, big stack (me) folds, and middle stack calls and wins. I have more chips after he wins but come in 2nd. How is that calculated???
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You both won 1st place as the game ended with both winning the next step ticket
Hand # 1090076052replay and open lobby
Ok, that makes sense. For a little while there I thought the system might be broken but I figured there was something I wasn’t seeing, which is why I asked. Should have checked the lobby. Thanks Litenin
Yvw my friend and thanks for the question, I remember it happening to me as well. If like me, we probably don’t check our tickets as close as we do chip winnings: