Guess The Hand #5

The Hand

Vital context: I almost lagged out here and barely managed to take my preflop action. I would not normally have minraised pre here with any part of my range, but I had like 1 second to act and just had to click a button.

Brownie point for closest to the pin! :cookie:

A8 off, judging from your actions but could be anything with you

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Not even close! :smiley:

Then I have to go with the dumb end of the straight, that will be my last guess, suited, although you could have got her off that 10 with nothing when the A hit

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Thanks for playing! Vanna will get you a swag bag on your way out.

You obviously had a Flying Lizzie and a Violet Ray.

Forget about the swag bag, I’ll be taking Vanna out for dinner.

My spirit guide says I’m wrong that you have a 5 and a 7.

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KQo would be my guess. Seems the most likely hand that can open from EP, call on the flop and wants to jam on the turn.

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@lihiue closest to the pin so far, by far

Thinking the Diaper :grin: in spades.

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The queen of diamonds. Let’s say pocket queens, one of them diamonds.

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@napkin_holder kinda close, kinda not

Your Open range that fits the hand, is KJ suited, KJ off, QT suited, QJ Suited, KT suited, JT suited, J9 suited, A9 suited, K9 suited. Now first question that needs to be asked is what calling on flop with? Could be the T, but 50/50 on whether you might make a minreraise on that. If not the T, then either a J or 8, or 9. Next question is that When villain bets 100, and Guru reraises, puts opponent all in to call, if Guru had something like A9, or Ax, then wouldn’t he bet about 1250 to extract value, instead of trying to force a fold? And Doesn’t that probably mean he doesn’t have A9, Ax? So he probably doesn’t have A9, Ax. He probably has a hand like KJ suited, J9 suited, JT suited, K9 suited, that he is semi bluffing. Those 4 hands would fit, explain calling 700 on flop. JT suited wouldn’t reraise flop because of lower J kicker, altho Guru might minreraise because of JT, KJ is excellent draw equity, but since stacks are shallower, then a minreraise could cause Villain to 4 bet shove, so a flop call is probably better to try to realize equity safer, cheaper, and can semi probably maybe bluff or turn and river later.

So I am going to say Guru’s hand is either KJ, K9 suited, JT suited.

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@Asuronetorius imma go ahead and give you the :cookie: on this one just ‘cause

it was literally the first hand you called out,

and I love your reasoning.

Exact hand was KdJd

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While I can see the KJ off was the real hand, this hand really is more about what your opponent has and what you think he has vice what you are holding. As you said the size of the pre flop bet was “press the damn button” so that doesn’t say much other than it was a playable hand (or 7-2 just cause it is fun to show that) and the villian’s call from the SB also says he has a playable hand. The initial bet pot sized by the villian suggests a TX. Your quick call in position communicates that you hit the straight or have AT. The A on the turn, is a big time scare card for the villian, and the downsized min bet suggests he doesn’t have an A and believes you made two pair with that A or already made the straight. So being in position and seeing that weakness you pounce on it and hit the pot button. Perfect opportunity for a semi bluff with a Jx or 7x to steal the pot. I think if you made your hand you would have bet for value to induce a call, plus you didn’t show the 7-2 or J-3 which might have titled your opponent, so the KJ off fits that story pretty well.

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Thanks Guru, but I think it’s more important to come up with a range of hands and then narrow that range down, then to come up with the exact hand. If that narrowed range has the exact hand in it, or close to it, that’s what’s most important in order to make the right decision, as making the right decision is most important, even if dont have the exact hand, as long as your thought process is right and leads to right decision. Anyone can play at guess the exact hand, so it’s important to show work at how, why name exact hand or narrowed range of hands that includes the exact hand. Also it sets a good example for others, and its a good practice exercise for when play. I just wish I had the time in game to break hands down like this, so sometimes I can break down hands like this, in game, and sometimes the process is incomplete, semi guessing. It’s another reason why I am even more dangerous offline at, in casino’s, where I have more time to break down play in my mind, and play accordingly. Thanks for these fun, occasional exercises Guru.

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dont check the message but i think like this

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That makes a lot of sense, and includes my exact holding :wink: