3-max SNG, two players left, I have the big stack after filling a straight on the opening hand and a boat a few hands later to get all but 60 of the 3rd place finisher’s stack; he busts on the hand after the full house, and I’m heads up against the remaining player. Stacks are 2060-940.
I’m dealt Tc7s, and the SB limps, I check the BB. Flop is Kc7cJc, giving me bottom pair, flush draw, backdoor straight draw.
I check, V checks.
Turn is Qs, and now I have 4th pair, 77s, with straight and flush draws. I bet 30, v raises to 180, or 2x the pot.
I think about it for a bit and decide to fold. If I have the Ac or Qc instead of the Tc, I think it’s alright to call here, but with bottom pair and a relatively weak flush, it’s probably only marginal to call here.
What’s V raising with here? A lot of hands that are beating me: Two clubs, AT, maybe Kx, especially KQ, KJ, any sets. I’m really only good with this hand if I fill a flush and V is raising with top pair trying to avoid the flush filling, but with 3 clubs on the flop, it seems unlikely they’re raising with top pair. Although, the weak action preflop and no action on the flop probably means that I don’t have anything particularly strong, and he could have been slow playing to disguise his hand strength. I didn’t put him on much, hence my small bet on the Turn to see if he’d come along. I got my answer, though.
I went on to win the game.