I would like 3:00 please. I don’t have a partner.
i would like 3pm pls
I want to find partner 18. nov 3 pm ET nickname meerglis
Confirming that I will be the partner of coolbob, and I will be playing at 7:00 PM ET.
7pm please, no partner
sign me up for 7PM no partner yet!
Hi All, I will be joining 3pm but i am at UST time. Hope it will work, No partner. Thanks
7PM for me.
Mertay can you sign me up or is it fullfor 3 pm eastern time
I would like to play, nopartner, no time preference!!!
Hi KGB90 - times should be posted in Eastern Time - could you please confirm whether 3pm works for you in EST? Thank you!
Hi Sue13, do you have a partner this time?
I want to confirm I will be partner with Sue13 , I will play the 3pm game.
Yes, I have best partner here. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
sign me up too
I have no partner, but I would join and could play at 3:00 PM. Sorry in advance to the unfortunate soul that gets paired with me.
Hi @soumnag - does either time work for you?
Signups close soon so we can get people teamed up and registered. We currently have an odd amount of players who have confirmed times. If anyone would like to help even things out, get your signup in here before 11am EST.
Would it help you if I switched from early game to late game ?
No, it’s okay if we have a different number of 3pm and 7pm games – just works out that way sometimes. Thank you for offering!
I just have an odd number of confirmed players and two that haven’t confirmed times. @SilentOutlaw, I will pair you with one of them if we don’t get another signup this hour. If they no-show, I’ll be sure to pair you up first the next time you’re interested in playing.