Please help me understand why I lost this hand, is it because she held the King of diamonds and I had the jack of diamonds? I get confused when the dealer splits some pots and than a situation like this they pay one player and not the other, but when the hand is over the dealer reports both players have the same hand. Please help me understand how it works. Thank You, towman5
u got answer:“it is because she held the King of diamonds and I had the jack of diamonds.”
Split or not when the flush is on table.
If flush is on the table, say 5 hearts cards on the table, and the lowest hearts on the table is an 8. You have hearts 7 and the other has no heart, it will be a split pot. You have heart 10 and the other has no heart, you win, because you beat the lowest card on table. With your hearts 10 you beat the hearts 8.
This is based on the Holdem games. To get flush in Omaha you need atleast 2 hearts in your hand.