I am sure we have all played the Ring Games at one time or another. There is one issue that I know all players have come across while playing on these tables. When a player is done playing on a particular table, they normally leave right away. However, that is not the case all the time. There are some players that stand down, but continue to occupy the seat until they are closed out automatically by RP, which could take as long as 6 rounds of poker by the other players on that table. That might be okay if you did not have people waiting in the “green room” to get on that table. I have come across this on numerous occasions and I find it frustrating since it is clear that player is no longer playing. It is my opinion that when a player is done playing, they should exit the table right away so another player, who has been waiting, can get on the table. Having said that players, what do you think about this issue and what, if anything, do you think could be done to discourage this?
In my experience most of the time folks do that it is when they have lost all their chips and then just close the window instead of standing first. It is an impulsive gut reaction borne out of frustration. Yes it is rude, especially when there is a waiting list, but what can be done other than to educate folks about good online poker etiquette. Sit outs are removed from the table after a certain number of hands. I am sure whoever set that number set it up so players who need to have enough time (plus a cushion) to go to the re-up page and get more chips to play with when their bank is zero and they still want to play. It seems to me that many times it is the newer players who do this and after more experience playing, they will realize it is rude and stop or they won’t care and continue. Those who continue probably won’t stop and some do it intentionally as some kind of petty revenge. I usually tend to ignore boorish behavior and am content to let a fool be a fool. Change the things you can, accept that some things you can’t, and be smart enough to know the difference. lol… Gee, don’t I like to go on…
what irratates me more is when they have zippo in the bank! I think that should be a automatic removal by replay.
Hi das32343 and lazerio. To some degree, I agree with both of your opinions. However, das32343, to players who have been waiting for more than 10 minutes to get on a specific table, for whatever reason they may want to, this conduct is irritating and makes some players angry. Not every player can ignore this behavior like you say you can. But then, every person is different. It is those same players that approach us reps with their questions regarding what, if anything, can be done about that issue, or any issues that concern them, and we do the best we can to answer their concerns and if possible, come up with a deterrence for that behavior. Granted, I know that sometimes a player needs additional time to either reload chips or to do something else before they want to continue playing. But it has been my experience that most players will reload immediately after losing all their chips if they are going to continue playing. lazerio, I agree with your suggestion, but because of the situation as mentioned above wherein the player needs to reload chips, some time must be given for them to do that, but I do believe that time should not be as long as 6 hands of poker played by the remaining players at that table. I want to thank you both for your opinions regarding this matter. See you on the tables.