Shaka, when the walls fell.
I think, this will be a three team league soon. Unfortunate.
[quote=“just_if_eyed, post:3968, topic:16386”]
I think, this will be a three team league soon. Unfortunate
[It is a wee bit discouraging for a fact, seven players must be a league record. BUT, we are in what 2nd place this month so proves we have some great players. (I try LOL)
Sure, I would like more attendance.
Sure. I would like a different shirt; some teams change shirts every game it seems.
So, starting Wednesday will miss a couple games, hoping others will take up the slack, not for me but the team.
Thanks and have a great week!
Yeah, no joke, 7 is pretty lame.
I have not seen a single post that says, “Boy those Renegades really suck”, and yes five making it to the points out of only twelve entrants in a field of sixty seven, well, not bad, but damn would I ever like to see a win. Thanks to the Rens who show up regular like. I appreciate you. TC
And you will never see one. This is because no one or multiple Renegade does now or ever will suck. Like life, Team Play is not ideal. The need to persevere will illuminate the true character of, some of us.
All the teams have great players on them, and yes, I have spoken quite highly of the Rens in the past and will probably continue to do so in the future.
Each team has a medley of styles within each team.
See if you can put a name after these titles. I bet you can fill it with many names.
Tight Passive
Loose Passive
Tight Aggressive (TAG)
Loose Aggressive (LAG)
This league used to be a social league “Tight Passive”, where if you went all-in to many times, Sharon would say she would make the league pot limit if you kept it up.
I was told when I started on the Pirates about a year ago not to play A10 because only losers play that hand, AJ or better to start on this team. If you got caught losing with some high-risk hand you would get an ear full from Jazz.
Now there are so many new and freed from oppression LAG and TAG style players it’s common to pressure the pot with less desirable hands.
Power Poker or “LAG” = Big stack = Pressure - Sharing = Winner
If you took the best (stats) 9 players from each team and put them all against each other, the games may last longer than they do now. My Nordic Warrior games last over 2 hours with same blinds and only 20 to 25 players.
There are so many variables, I can’t list them all but it’s interesting to discuss.
In summary: IMO is there an advantage to having less players, no unless they are all LAG players with skills, or TAG hitting cards.
Not having to share your chips is an advantage in team play.
Playing against 8 other players at a table that are not on your team is an advantage if you have a power stack. They are trying to even stacks while you pummel them.
Everyone knows having a power stack is an advantage for most players.
Getting a power stack with 20 people on your team can be difficult sometimes.
Having a teammate bail you out after you chased a straight and missed is an advantage.
The best thing about this league is you don’t know what’s going to happen, your team could score 0 points then the next game score over a 100, and that’s what keeps us all coming back, well that and I am so dam good looking.
We keep going because we love the game and have friends here, win or lose I am in and will continue until I get kicked out for being too good looking or stealing all the women folk, just sayin.
Down to the wire. 3 games left in the quarter 20 points separate the Pirates and the Cons for the 1st quarter crown. This league is something I look forward to 4 nights a week. Great players, good friends, great competition, and good fun. There is a reason I have only missed 1 game in over six months. Each game is full of ups and downs, disappointment, triumphs and surprises.
Well done Gades.
Congratulations Renegades!
If you are looking for more stats you can find them here